Fat Jerry Nadler Calls For Federal Review of the Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict and the Threat Is Real – Opinion

A jury from Kenosha (Wisconsin) returned today’s only verdict. The jury found Kyle Rittenhouse, 18, innocent of any charges stemming out of his attempted murder on Kenosha’s streets last night (August 25, 2020). It was no easy task and I consider the jury members heroes for their service. The media lied relentlessly about Rittenhouse and the facts (the outstanding exception being the work of the “Visual Investigations Team” of the New York Times, see my post In a Bizarre Turn of Events, NYT Investigation of Kenosha Shooting Makes a Strong Case for Self-Defense). The prosecution conspired to violate Rittenhouse’s constitutional rights by concealing evidence from the defense and claiming that the jury could infer guilt from his pre-trial silence. The mob was composed of Antifa wannabes thugs and BLM supporters. They threatened violence to acquit the defendant. A news organization…sorry, I stand corrected, MSNBC…tried to dox the jurors. Joey SoftServe himself referred Rittenhouse to as a white supremacist.

The jury has ruled Rittenhouse is free and those who claim to be our leaders are planning to take Rittenhouse before a federal judge to face similar charges. This comes from Fat Jerry Nadler (the goof who heads the House Judiciary Committee).

This is legallly stupid. It is not a federal crime to cross state boundaries. You must have committed a crime. Rittenhouse was not convicted of any state crime. It’s difficult to imagine how crossing the state line could be considered a crime. Rittenhouse’s gunshots might have come from Rittenhouse shooting people who were participating in an act of violence, larceny or assault that is constitutionally protected. The jury found all those who were shot on that fateful night to have planned it. A jury cannot accept self-defense in a case of murder unless it finds Rittenhouse reasonable believed that his life is at risk. Huber responded to an attack intended to kill him or incapacitate. Lefty Grosskreutz, who was under oath to admit that he shot Rittenhouse only after pointing his illegal gun at him, said so. Rosenbaum may have been a child-rapist and was possibly driven madly by lust at Rittenhouse.

The only “dangerous precedent” that could have been set–that would be making it illegal to defend yourself when someone is trying to kill you–was averted by a jury that stood fast against threats and intimidation.

Just because Nadler’s tweet is incredibly stupid doesn’t mean it won’t happen.

Joey SoftServe offered this response.

It is clear that the Department of Justice wants to take action. Merrick Garland, you’ll recall, is the guy who labeled parents who attended school board meetings as “domestic terrorists” and sicced the FBI on them (Biden’s Justice Department Announces It Considers School Board Protests to Be Threats and Promises Action) in response to urging from the White House (‘Actively Engaged’ — Biden White House in Bed With NSBA Prior to ‘Domestic Terror’ Letter). A statement like Biden’s probably set off an uncontrollable bout of submissive urination on the part of Garland.

Even though it would be impossible to make a federal case from the Kenosha killings, this is what you get. People are being kept in isolation in cell without running water or toilets. This is despite them only having been given a jaywalking tickets. Throwing Rittenhouse in jail, subjecting him to brutal and inhumane treatment, running up his attorney’s fees, and generally screwing with his life is something our Department of Justice is very, very good at, even if it sucks at just about everything else.


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