Hollywood has a history of working closely with Planned Parenthood. But Starz just aired a Starz drama that brought back an old Planned Parenthood lie. It was a depiction that may not fit with Starz’s more pro-abortion tone.
In the October 31 episode of Starz’s Hightown “Fresh as a Daisy,” viewers’ suspicions are confirmed that Renee Segna (Riley Voelkel) is pregnant with Detective Ray Abruzzo’s (James Badge Dale) baby, not her fiancé’s, Frankie Cuevas (Amaury Nolasco), a drug kingpin who was recently released from prison.
Renee decides she’s going to schedule an abortion upon being told at her Planned Parenthood appointment that a fetal paternity test will be dangerous for the “baby.” We are supposed to think that Planned Parenthood employees would actually use the term “baby” and not other dehumanizing words like “fetus”, “clumps of cells”, or “product of conception.” Further, even more unbelievable is the fact that the first abortion worker to offer prenatal care does not mention abortion unless Renee prompts him and shows concern for his baby’s well-being. Hollywood couldn’t imagine this!
Doctor: We are sorry for this delay. Lab was backed up continuously throughout today.
Renee, Okay. Und?
Doctor: And… …You’re pregnant, about eight weeks.
Renee: Wow. That’s it.
Doctor, is this really a surprise?
Renee, It wasn’t planned.
Doctor: Okay. Doctor: You need to take some important decisions.We can help you get in on the day if you want to have the baby.
Renee, and option two?
Doctor: The doctor can terminate your contract up to twenty weeks after you have made the decision.
Renee, Is it possible to determine if the baby’s Dominican or white skin?
Doctor: Do you have any questions about the fetal paternity testing?
Renee, Yes.
Doctor: It is possible, but you cannot do it here. This is a high-risk procedure for babies. It is not something I would recommend unless absolutely necessary. Does it really need to be?
Renee: The answer is no. You can be pretty sure of who the father is. This is the problem.
Doctor: Can you speak to someone about it?
Renee There is no need for me to speak to anybody. You can schedule your abortion.
Doctor: Okay. Okay, now you’re ready to get changed and go meet me at the front.
While Planned Parenthood may claim to offer prenatal care, something they’ve listed on their website and touted in the past, an investigation in 2017 from Live Action found that this is not the case at most locations. Many locations offering the service were eventually removed from their listings. Over the years, Planned Parenthood has seen a dramatic decline in prenatal services while abortions have increased.
Planned Parenthood, the country’s leading abortion provider, has become even more vocal in its activism. It fired former President Leana Youn because she wanted to place the emphasis on women’s healthcare. Current President Alexis McGill Johnson disavowed old Planned Parenthood mantras about abortion being only 3% of what they do by saying, “I think when we say, ‘It’s a small part of what we do,’ what we’re doing is actually stigmatizing it.”
Renee is seen returning home to find Frankie in their bedroom, trying to get her to have sex. He turns her down and she claims she went to the gym. She also says she is experiencing “really terrible cramps.” This leads us to suspect that Renee has either had an abortion, or she is trying to avoid intimacy because she feels guilty about the procedure.
Whatever the outcome, Planned Parenthood will ultimately win their pound of flesh. This is what they really care about.