EMBARRASSED: CBS Buries Arrest of Colbert Staffers By Capitol Police

The far-left has seven staff members Late ShowStephen Colbert and his host were last week detained at the Capitol by illegal entry. They had allegedly attempted to harass Republicans. CBS was embarrassed to allow only 65 seconds of coverage since Friday’s news. It all happened on CBS Saturday Morning. The network didn’t return to the incident over the weekend or on Monday. 

CBS MorningGayle King, Tony Dokoupil, and Nate Burleson all love Colbert clips. However, they did not allow a recap Monday. Similar coverage was allowed by ABC. Just 25 seconds on Saturday’s Good Morning America. NBC did not mention it. 

You can find more information here CBS Saturday MorningMichelle Miller, cohost, tried to ease the pain by telling jokes. She pointed out that Robert Smiegel was one of the men behind Triumph the Insult Comic. 

Triumph the Insult Comic’s dog has been accused of breaking the law. The U.S. Capitol Police charged seven TV producers with illegal entry after they were arrested in an office building. Robert Smigel was part of the team that worked on a segment about Triumph for CBS. The Late Show.A CBS statement stated that the CBS team had been filming in hallways and conducting prearranged authorized interviews with congressional representatives. Additional charges may be brought by Capitol Police. 



Co-host Jeff Glor joked, “Triumph is an old, happy dog. Dog that’s temporarily in trouble.” 

ABC, perhaps because they don’t have Colbert on the payroll, was less joke-y about the seriousness of it all. This is all the coverage that was available from Saturday’s GMA



News overnight from Capitol Police: Seven members of the The Late Show With Stephen Colbert They were charged with illegal entry in a congressional building. Capitol Police stated that they had given the order to the group earlier in the morning. CBS stated that they had been there to conduct pre-arranged interviews. They then continued filming stand-ups in the hallways until the time of their arrest. 

It’s not hard to imagine that Colbert will come up with a way to make this all disappear. This vile host compared Republicans with Nazis and said that 50% of Republicans agreed to the massacre at Buffalo. 

Toyota sponsored the embarrassing burying this story on CBS. You can click on this link to tell them what you think. 

Below are transcripts. Click “expand” to read more. 

Good Morning America 
7.14 am ET

EVA PILGRIM. Breaking news: Capitol police report that seven members from The Late Show With Stephen Colbert are being held and charged with illegal entry into a congressional offices building. Capitol Police claim that the members of the Late Show With Stephen Colbert were directed to vacate the building in the earlier part of the day. CBS stated that the crew was in attendance for approved and prearranged interviews. They then went on to shoot stand-ups in the halls before they were taken into custody. 


CBS Saturday Morning

MICHELLE MILLER. Triumph the Insult is a comic-dog accused of breaking the law. U.S. Capitol Police took seven members of the TV production crew into a Capitol building on Thursday and charged them for unlawful entry. The group, including comedian Robert Smigel was filming a segment about Triumph for CBS’s The Late Show. The CBS statement states that they had conducted authorized, pre-arranged interviews at congressional offices. However, they were detained while filming in corridors. Additional charges may be brought by Capitol Police. 

JEFF GLOOR: Triumph can be allowed in the studio. Autorized to be at studio. Stephen, I don’t know about in the Capitol in odd hours. They’re figuring it out. 

DANA JACOBSON: I just saw Triumph in a look back at the ‘90s and Triumph and the first sock puppet from Pets.com. It was hard to believe that Triumph is still around. 

Triumph, an older and happier dog is GLOR. Dog that’s temporarily in trouble. 

JACOBSON: I’m not happy at the moment. 

MILLER: Must be easy to recognize. That’s all we’re saying.

JACOBSON : There are also rules that you must follow. 

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