To start, let me admit that I am a terrible pizza fan. This is of no importance to the main topic. However, this is a great opportunity to get the word out.
Having grown up in Greater Chicagoland — get over yourselves, New-York-style pizza people — I could Not be pickier about my choice in pizza. First of all, pizza neophytes, Chicago-style pizza does not only refer to deep-dish pizza. Contrary. Chicago-style thin-crust pizzas are, to my humble opinion, excellent. God’s pizza. Now, on to the gist — and perverted collective minds of the left — of the story at hand.
As first reported by Parents Defending Education (PDE), eighth-grade students in Connecticut were given a sex-ed assignment asking them to describe their sexual “likes” and “dislikes” by choosing various pizza toppings as metaphors. Yeah.
8th Graders asked to list their fav sex acts w/examples “Likes: Cheese=Kissing” & “Dislikes: Olives=Giving oral”#Enfield #Public School District Backpedals Middle School Curriculum That Asked Students To List Their Favorite Sex Acts Like Pizza Toppings
— Me (@FactsOvrFeelngs) February 10, 2022
Ready? For example, olives stood for “giving oral.” Presumably to another eighth-grader.
It’s available via PDE.
“Now that you know this metaphor for sex, let’s explore your preferences! Draw and color your favorite type of pizza,” the assignment said. “What’s your favorite style of pizza? Which toppings are you most fond of? Are there any pizza rules you don’t like? Now mirror these preferences in relation to sex!”
Just me, or does it “almost” seem like the left is obsessed with sex in a perverse manner? It is especially relevant to children. This begs the question: why?
That’s a topic for another article, but I see it as a means to an end in the twisted mindset of the left. Desensitizing kids when they’re young (I envision these despicable people believing), paves the way for indoctrinating the young into accepting — if not approving and/or participating in — other perverse beliefs and activities of the radical-left, hopefully throughout their lives.
Anyway, as one might expect — a normal, properly-balanced one, that is — parents en masse were outraged over the assignment, as reported by Patch, as evidenced by the packed house at Tuesday’s school board meeting.
Enfield residents and parents packed the Council Chambers of town hall on Tuesday night for a Board of Education meeting. They wanted to voice their concerns about the mask requirement in schools as well as the controversial assignment in eighth grade sex education classes that used pizza metaphors.
As is always the case when schools and school boards get caught with their narrative-driven pants down, the school superintendent claimed the assignment was posted “by mistake” — which raises the musical question, Why was it created in the first place?
This statement is from Superintendent of Schools Chriz [sec]Drezek was priceless. Patch has transcribed it:
It was, in fact, a mistake. It is possible that some people may not agree with my assessment. [ya think?], I know there are some who don’t necessarily want that answer [zackly; they want the truth]It is, however, a great and long-standing staff member.
There wasn’t any hidden agenda [bullcrap]There wasn’t a secret cabal who indoctrinates kids about something. [“no cabal,” fine. no attempt to indoctrinate, nonsense].
The wrong document was sent. [Why did they have the “wrong document” in the first place?]We are all happy it has happened [none of you are happy that you got caught]No one is more hurt than the victim [for getting caught, not for doing it].
I owe it to that person to stand up here and tell them, I’ve got your back on this one [of course you do; you’re pulling this out of your butt]. I’m moving on, for them and for the 5,000 kids we’ve got to worry about.
So, parents are just simply supposed to “move on,” too? What about their children? What, until the next time such an “accident” occurs? As is always the case with crap like this, Superintendant Drezek will be sorry. Getting caught — not sorry for This is what you did.
And according to Patch, parents weren’t buying, rejecting Drezek’s ridiculous explanation outright.
“This assignment is prompting kids to become sexually active before their time,” parent Tracey Jarvis told the board, according to WVIT-TV.
Here’s another unhappy parent:
Let’s get to the bottom of it:
Were there any of you who would feel uncomfortable? As adults if our bosses passed out an exercise during a business meeting asking us to reveal our personal sexual “likes” and “dislikes”? Via pizza toppings? Or Any other method? Most of us, I think.
Yet, the left continues to get caught in this crap, time and time again, only to escape with an apology for “the mistake.” It is past time for heads to roll. Do you expect different results from accepting the same excuses? Yep, insanity. They will not stop. We have to stop them.
Incidentally, on God’s pizza? Only sausage is my preference. Moreover, I’m pleased to announce that my choice has nothing to do with my sexual — oh, never mind.
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