Editor’s Pick: Opinion on Media Softening the Waukesha Massacre to a ‘Crash’

RedState’s Sister Toldjah penned Tuesday’s piece, entitled We need to talk about how the media is labeling the Waukesha massacre.Although “attack” and “rampage are not uncommon words, there is some evidence that accounts may be softening the blow. 

NBC News referred to it as an “accident.” MSNBC analyst Clint Watts also bumbled into referring to it as an “accident.”

Newsweek and the Associated Press both used the word “crash” in their headlines:


Elle added, “I looked at the CNN homepage today to check what it looked like.” It had one Waukesha-related story. Brooks, how did they refer? As a “crash suspect”.

She said “Needless to say, based on everything we know at this point the car plowing was no ‘accident’ and it wasn’t merely a ‘crash.'”

Also, this softening can be seen at PBS NewsHour: “What are we able to learn about the Waukesha christmas parade crash?” On Wednesday night, Fox host Greg Gutfeld shot back: “If that car crash were an accidentIt is the longest accident car wreck in human history.

The Washington Post published this story on Wednesday night. It caused a stir on Twitter by claiming that the SUV was responsible for the rampage. 

The vehicle is the culprit, and not the evil person, that causes this attack. This reminds me of the 2016 French terrorist attack. 

RedState: Sister Toldjah has more to share. 

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