Hot Air Senior editor Ed Morrissey wrote on Tuesday about the Associated Press, concluding Jeff Zucker’s only wrongdoing was keeping an affair with a colleague secret. As Morrissey observed: “Huh. And here I thought the lesson would be to not conspire with your paramour to turn your media outlet into a propaganda outlet for a leading politician.”
He called out the laughable reporting: “This analysis from AP Business yesterday strains so hard to miss the point that the name ‘Andrew Cuomo’ never gets mentioned — not even in relation to his brother.” Morrissey noted: “This goes along with the laments by CNN personnel about the unfairness of the ‘death penalty’ meted out to Zucker. In a way, it’s reminiscent of the reaction to Bill Clinton’s scandal in the White House, making it about sex rather than committing perjury in a deposition to cover it up.”
Hot Air has all the details.
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