Editor’s Pick: Hot Air on AP Saying Zucker’s Secrecy Was the Problem

Hot Air Senior editor Ed Morrissey wrote on Tuesday about the Associated Press, concluding Jeff Zucker’s only wrongdoing was keeping an affair with a colleague secret. As Morrissey observed: “Huh. And here I thought the lesson would be to not conspire with your paramour to turn your media outlet into a propaganda outlet for a leading politician.”

He called out the laughable reporting: “This analysis from AP Business yesterday strains so hard to miss the point that the name ‘Andrew Cuomo’ never gets mentioned — not even in relation to his brother.” Morrissey noted: “This goes along with the laments by CNN personnel about the unfairness of the ‘death penalty’ meted out to Zucker. In a way, it’s reminiscent of the reaction to Bill Clinton’s scandal in the White House, making it about sex rather than committing perjury in a deposition to cover it up.”

Hot Air has all the details.

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