Editor’s Pick: Blaze on Stelter Stunned By Guest Criticizing CNN

On Monday, The Blaze’s Carlos Garcia reported that “CNN’s media critic Brian Stelter was stunned when an expert brought on his network to discuss bias at Fox News also criticized CNN for left-wing bias,” during Sunday’s Reliable Sources. “Stelter interviewed two researchers from the University of California at Berkeley, who conducted a study where Fox News viewers were paid to watch CNN and their reactions were documented and analyzed,” the article explained.

As Stelter gleefully touted the study showing “Fox viewers are in the dark about bad news for the GOP,” Garcia pointed out that one of the researchers, Professor Joshua Kalla, provided the full picture: “That’s right. Fox News and CNN have different coverage, with Fox News focusing on issues that are good for the GOP and bad for Democrats. On the flip side, CNN engages in this partisan coverage filtering as well, we find.” A flustered Stelter immediately whined: “I think you’re engaging in some both-sides-ism there.”

The Blaze also has the entire article.

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