When operating a motor vehicle, it’s best to retain consciousness. An incident in Connecticut recently highlighted this principle.
Jinhuan was traveling along Interstate 95 near Stratford, on the 13th of March.
He was suddenly overcome by an urge to go to bed.
He stopped and went into an emergency-lane slumber.
Around 3:00 p.m., a state trooper was dispatched to Jinhuan’s nestling near Exit 30.
Source: Connecticut Post
State police said the driver, later identified as Chen, was slumped in the driver’s seat unconscious.
Never fall asleep at the wheel. However, some may argue the situation was made worse by 38 passengers. Jinhuan operated a bus that ran from Mohegan Sun to get home.
One of [them]He told the trooper that Chen had been eating out of a bag right next to his chair before he went unconscious.
He’d indulged, indeed: Since they’d left the casino, Jinjuan had been grinding down on gummies. The man might’ve benefitted from reading the label:
Police said they found an open bag of “[Smokiez] Edibles Cannabis Infused Fruit Chews” next to the driver.
The rideshare service allowed the passengers to complete their journey. Jinhuan traveled to Bridgeport Hospital.
[P]Olice stated that he had a high blood level of THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) in his system.
Officials escorted him out of his house Monday as a compliment to an arrest warrant. In court, he admitted ignorance.
“I didn’t know it was marijuana,” Jinhuan Chen said through a Chinese interpreter as he stood before Superior Court Judge Ndidi Moses Tuesday afternoon. “I didn’t know.”
The law enforcement system was not enforced:
[S]tate police said that was no comfort to his…terrified passengers…
Lenience didn’t look to be in the cards…
[S]enior Assistant State’s Attorney Nicholas Bove told the judge that Chen was just lucky no one was injured on the bus.
Chen is facing 38 charges of reckless endangerment in the first degree. He was urged by him to get a strong bond.
Jinhuan was placed under $25,000 bond by the judge.
His employer, Victor Chen — manager of Go Go Sun Tour — believes Jinhuan getting juiced was an absolute accident. “The driver didn’t know there was marijuana in the candy,” he said.
[Victor]Hearst Connecticut Media learned that Jinhuan Ching had been driving for Boston-based companies for 10+ years. He has an outstanding record.
Jinhuan just enjoys junk food:
“He doesn’t drink, he doesn’t smoke, but he has a sweet tooth and likes candy. He picked up a bag of candy at a local market here and didn’t know it had marijuana in it.”
Are you looking for a possible story or an indication of the times? You can have both.
Victor could have some point. Thanks to contemporary cultural and legislative laxity, amid any quest for something to snack on, “high quality” might mean something far different than it used to.
“This would never have happened a couple of years ago but now there’s marijuana everywhere here.”
Thank goodness no one was hurt, which can’t be said for a road-related story in September. It, too, appeared to enforce the cardinal rule: Don’t mix driving and drugs…
It’s not possible to get chased down by police.
Some can.
Different Kind of Cut-Off: Man Leading Police Chase Severed His Penishttps://t.co/HGXERtxYIK
— Alex Parker (@alexparker1984) November 19, 2021
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