Does Tiffany Cross Think 17 Million ‘Hungry’ Children Would Be Better Off Aborted?

Out of all the arguments for abortion, those who suggest that unborn children are better off being dead than facing difficulties in their lives are the most heartless. 

Tiffany Cross, on Saturday morning’s MSNBC program, still referred to the incident. [false and misleading]This statistic implies that many of America’s 17.-million “hungry”, or even all, children would have been happier if they had been aborted. 

This Cross is: 

It is up to the individual whether they choose to live in this world. In America guns are the number one cause of child death. An AR-15 has greater rights than a female gun owner. And now?The Supreme Court would like to order birth in a nation where 17 million hungry children live.Foster-care is home to more than 420,000 kids.

We will first look at Cross’s bizarre argument that AR-15s should have greater rights than women. The rights of inanimate objects are not recognized. The Second Amendment, however, recognizes the right to People Keep and bear arms. 

Cross mentioned 17 million kids who were supposedly hungry. Cross seems to be suggesting that some, if perhaps all of those 17 million children would rather not have been born. What percentage of the 17 million people would you prefer to have a life?

Cross then makes the fraudulent claim that 17,000,000 children in America are hungry. It implies that all children are hungry at any time. 

Cross surely knows that Cross is wrong. “Hunger Insecurity” is often confused with actual hunger by activists. The term simply refers to a time when a family worried about its ability to meet their nutritional needs. However, it doesn’t indicate that everyone ever experiences hunger. 

Children living in poverty are more likely to be obese than those with higher incomes. The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that obesity is a much more common problem in children living in low-income homes. “seven times as many (low-income) children are obese as are underweight.” 

Cross made another misleading statement. She stated that the Supreme Court “wants mandate birth.” 

No. No. This Court only recognized that the Constitution does not provide a right for abortion and therefore that it is up to the states to decide.

Cross appeared to suggest that Cross’s interpretation of the Court’s ruling would “mandate a birth”, by striking down laws allowing abortion in state. It is totally false. Cross claims that a majority of Americans oppose Roe’s overturning. This could be due to the misleading and false information many received from Cross. 

Finally, Cross resorted again to the slur she used on Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Cross began the program by inviting viewers to “Gilead” and then referred to Barrett, brilliantly accomplished and talented, as a “Handmaiden.”

Tiffany Cross, citing 17 million children who are hungry in America, on her MSNBC program, was supported in part by Wayfair and Walgreens.

The transcript is here.

Cross Connection
10:00 am EDT

TIFFANY CROOSS: Hello everyone and welcome to Gilead. Tiffany Cross, my name is The Cross Connection. 

American women today have less rights than ever before, and this is for the first 49 years. Because Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court. People all over the country are now protesting this decision. Most Americans don’t want Roe V. Wade to be overturned by Court. A large majority of Americans. However, four men will not bear children and they are One handmaidenAn entire nation decided to follow the Christian faith. 

Reiterate this. The human right of a woman to make her own decisions is an individual right. The ability of a person to create life is up to them. America is the country where children are most likely to die from gunshot wounds.A woman with an AR-15 does not have the same rights as an AR-15. 

Now,The Supreme Court would like to order birth in a nation where 17 million hungry children liveMore than 420,000 children live in foster care. 

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