The Constitution of the United States of America was written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and has been in effect since 1789, making it the world’s longest surviving written governmental charter.
Now, 235 years later, one wonders if “everyday” Americans even care about what the Constitution says and stands for, or are they more blindly and selfishly concerned about what they personally believe and want?
Best case scenario, I am unsure. At worst? Hell no, they don’t. One need look no further than the two continuing white-hot issues gripping America as we speak for ample proof: the Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade and the Court’s Bruen decision, which struck down New York’s restrictive concealed-carry law.
In both cases, ignorance of (and disdain for) the law, relevant facts, and the intent of the Constitution have given way to meritless protests — many of them vile, violent, or both — aggressively protesting outside the homes of Associate Justices who voted in the majority on RoeImprudent and rash calls for the total dissolution of Constitution. Chaos reigns over rational thought and common decency. MoralityRespect and homage to a founding document which was created in order to safeguard us against the chaos we are now witnessing every day. Ominously, it’s going to get worse.
SophistryThis is an ancient Greek translation of the word “chariot” sophistēsIt is the act of using sound reasoning to support a conclusion which is either subjective or false in nature.
Sophistry is a term that describes an eagerness to use any argument in order to support a claim. ViewsWith These facts — often claiming the former to be the latter, — exposing one’s deep, often bitter, beliefs and convictions, as if Please enter your email address [third-person] They [convictions]They are the ultimate arbiters of right or wrong. This includes sophistry. Sophistry of the Constitution Political sophistry, is practiced by liberal elitists across America, from the halls of Congress to the no-longer-hallowed halls of academia, to corporate board rooms, “news” outlets, and, of course, the cesspool we call “social media.”
Social media does more than propagate; they also allow for communication. Promotes sophistry, daily. The practice is often rewarded with praise from useful idiots or willfully-low-information followers of such garbage. This is most common on highly politicized social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. These platforms can be polarized and broken into groups that share similar views. And here’s the Realität cesspool part: When sophistry is utilized — wittingly or otherwise — to counter opposing views, it is celebrated by like-minded clapping seals as truth.Even worse, wisdom.
These are the results Each sideThe spectrum.
I cannot stress this enough: Liberal elites use useful idiots to prey on low information voters. It’s the root cause of our current and future peril. While the late comedian George Carlin admonished us to “never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups,” today’s sophistical world of liberal elitists utilizing useful idiots to exploit low-information Americans to think and Vote as the elitists see fit, is as much a “clear and present danger” to America as anything the late Tom Clancy could have conjured.
Here’s an example.
The rabid left tells us that only certain people have the right to comment on various controversial issues of the day — people of certain backgrounds, including race, skin color, gender, sexual persuasion, or socioeconomic levels. Certain topics cannot be truly discussed by those from certain backgrounds, as this has been imposed upon us. As a result, for example, in the eyes of the left, men are not qualified — let alone do they have any right — to comment on abortion. This is pure crap. On-demand abortion of a healthy baby is not “women’s health care.”
Conservatives — white or black — are not qualified to talk about the “plight” of black America, “white supremacy,” or “systemic racism.” (Conservative) heterosexuals — Christians, even worse — have no business commenting on the LGBTQ community, so-called “transgenderism,” gender “fluidity,” or “gender self-identification.” The list goes on.
Perhaps it is human nature — it certainly is the nature of some — that there exists in many people the incessant need to be right that Infectious diseases our lives on multiple levels if weAllow it to. From purposeful misstatement of facts to constitutionally-false claims to ridiculous protests and ultimately violence, America is, with a quickening pace, becoming more and more unrecognizable from the country in which I grew up.
Let’s get to the bottom of it:
The critical point is provided by Joseph Sobran (the late conservative columnist):
Some people don’t mind a little constitutional sophistry in a good cause; and for liberals, centrailizing all power in the federal government is always a good cause. Since most Americans don’t know or care what the Constitution says, let alone what their ancestors thought it meant, the great liberal snow job has been very successful.
It was a great idea.
— Dr. Hold My Beer’s Ministry of Truth (@RealLibSmacker) June 27, 2022
While I have never been a conspiracy theorist — I remain opposed to unfounded conspiratorial crap onEach side of the political spectrum — I do believe we are witnessing a top-down organized effort, the likes of which this country has never seen — to destroy the very fabric of America as we know it.
2024 matters, my fellow constitutional conservatives; let’s not screw it up.