DISHONEST MADDOW Deceptively Edits Statement from FL Health Department Spox.

Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, a Leftist cable news station was caught on Thursday editing a statement she received from the Florida Department of Health press Secretary Jeremy Redfern. It concerns her continuing smear job of Joseph Ladapo the Florida Surgeon General who claims that she never treated COVID patients in the outbreak.

In the A-block, a section of Rachel Maddow, Maddow ranted about Dr. Ladapo, saying, “One reason Doctor Ladapo rose up to prominence in conservative media circles before he was able to get the highest medical office in Florida, which Governor DeSantis appointed him to,” explains DeSantis.

Maddow continued  He presented himself to the conservative media through his opinion pieces and as a frontline physician who treated many, many more covid patients.”  



Maddow asserts to be able “Obtained scheduling papers from when doctor Ladapo worked at UCLA.” These records did not indicate that Dr. Ladapo was scheduled to see covid patients. The leftist anchor claimed she “contacted the Florida Department of Health seeking comment from Doctor Ladapo multiple times” but she apparently never received a response. 

Maddow was able to get an answer when she called back for further comment: 

This week we reached out to the Florida Department of Health Press Secretary. He called our request for comments, quote, adorable. This was a true quote. Thank you for reaching out and asking about the unsubstantiated conspiracy theory. That you are asking for my opinion is very cute.

Maddow isn’t really looking for a reply because she altered the statement made by Jeremy Redfern. This is Maddow’s report versus Redfern’s actual statement. 



Rachel Maddow’s statements are again completely contrary to reality.     

Claritin and Liberty Mutual endorsed this latest Maddow deception. This link will take you to their contact information so that you can inform them about biased news funding. 

To read the relevant transcript of this segment click “expand”:

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show 
9.08:55 pm 

RACHEL MADOOW: Doctor Ladapo’s rise to fame in conservative media circles, and eventually to the top Florida medical position that Governor DeSantis gave him, was largely due to his claim to being a first-line doctor. His conservative media appearances as well as his Op-Eds presented him as a frontline physician who has treated many, many many covid cases. His expertise in this area was a result of the years of experience he has had with patients suffering from covid-19. These claims were questioned by us, and we exclusively reported on them here some months ago. Doctor Ladapo wrote two op-eds in national newspapers in 2020 claiming that he had spent time taking care of covid patients, specifically at UCLA’s flagship hospital. These op-eds caught the eye of others who worked in UCLA’s hospital caring for covid patients. Multiple people who worked at UCLA’s hospital at the same time as Doctor Ladapo said that he was misleading the public about his experience treating covid patients there. 

One member of UCLA’s team that treated covid patients told us Doctor Ladapo is not part of that group. We were also able to access scheduling information from Dr. Ladapo’s time at UCLA. These documents didn’t show that Dr. Ladapo was scheduled to care for covid patients. When we first reported this story, we reached out to the Florida Department of Health multiple times for comment. We never received a response. This week we reached out to the Florida Department of Health again for clarification. The Press Secretary of the Florida Department of Health called our request for comments, quote, adorable. This was a true quote. Thank you for reaching out and asking about the unsubstantiated conspiracy theory. Your request for comments is adorable. This is the state government. Also, we heard back from the Florida Department of Health Communications Director. He confirmed that Doctor Ladapo didn’t treat covid patients at UCLA during 2020. But he also claimed that Doctor Ladapo could have treated patients both before and afterwards that time. 

Quote, he said, “I’m certain you can locate documents that prove this if you are finding other documents to support your narrative.” We aren’t trying to locate documents that will promote a story, but we want to see if he is telling the truth. We tried very hard to find any documentation that could prove Doctor Ladapo had treated covid patients at UCLA. This was especially true given other UCLA doctors’ claims that he wasn’t there and that they didn’t see him. Our search for documents to prove that Doctor Ladapo treated covid patients at UCLA has failed. Unfortunately, we are unable to find such documents. We have not received any documents from Doctor Ladapo or the Florida Department of Health in our response. We can also see that many doctors have treated covid patients at UCLA’s hospital, however not Ladapo.

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