Discredited Hack Dan Rather Blasts ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ — Oh, What a Short Memory He Has – Opinion

Ahh, another great day at the office. Made extra fun because instead of the usual routine — kicking CNN or MSNBC’s ass — I get to take the granddaddy of “fake news” out behind the journalism woodshop and kick the hell out of His legs. Ex-CBS News anchor Dan Rather has discredit this granddaddy.

As you might remember, Rather was unceremoniously removed from his “CBS Evening News” anchor desk in 2004 after the accuracy of his bogus story questioning President George W. Bush‘s military service was publicly disputed by the Bush administration.

His career was permanently ruined and Rather left CBS News entirely in 2006. As bad, Rather still insists the bullcrap story was true and that he was guilty only of “sloppy reporting.”

Yeah — so this is the kind of guy we’re dealing with, here.

Anyway, as the “Let’s go, Brandon” (LGB) phenomenon exploded, quickly becoming the rallying cry of untold millions of Americans who are MoreThe destruction Joe Biden purposefully caused on this country has been continued by the liberal media sock puppets.

What better way to get involved? Former liberal media sockpuppet like Rather to once again step up to the hypocritical plate and do what he does best — completely humiliate himself. Yet again.

As reported by The Blaze, Rather and co-author Elliot Kirschner dropped a Substack essay titled “A Party Embraces Vulgarity” in which they attacked the LGB chant with a level of complete lack of self-awareness seldom seen — except by pretty much 100% The leftThat’s it!

For your safety, many Democrats have said some form of “F- Donald Trump.”Even a song was written in this vein. All people have the right to freedom of speech

But when Republican elected representatives say “Let’s go Brandon”To end a speech at the House Floor, as Bill Posey (a Republican from Florida) did or wear a “Let’s go Brandon” facemask, like South Carolina Republican Jeff Duncan did, or when Ted Cruz can’t get enough of it, Something else is happening.No

You can see it here A movement that has consumed the partyParty leaders feel they could use it to mobilize their supporters. These are the They are most likely correct, but it is a sad fact.

Is that really true? And that horrific “Let’s go Brandon” facemask? It’s awful. Wait — remember the horrible face, below, Dann-O? No, not Kathy Griffith — the severed head of Donald Trump covered in the blood.

Even worse.

The ridiculous essay suggests “Let’s go, Brandon” is “about much more than political passion or anger. It’s about weaponizing the vulgar dehumanization of our entire democratic — small d — experiment.”

Dan Rather, ladies and gentlemen, at his “finest.”

“Shockingly,” Rather and Kirschner rushed to Biden’s defense, as well.

[Biden is]Not only is he a person but he also serves as the President the United States. Your conspiracy-brain cloaked in tinfoil Does it matter if they are able to recognise this fact or not? [You mean how you recognized the fact that Donald Trump was president, Dan-O?]

We have heard it so many times. Republicans preach sanctimoniously about how Democrats don’t ‘respect’ the office of the presidency for such things as President Obama not saluting properly or wearing a tan suit?

Ooh, I’m glad you brought up Chicago JesusBarack Obama. It is a moment we will always remember.

Tristan Snell (Trump-hater), who is hypocrites. still brags about prosecuting Trump in a 2013 civil case as the assistant attorney general of New York, is also among those who have their panties in a wad over “Let’s go, Brandon.” Fortunately, “Hold My Beer” called out Snell forHisMind-blowing hypocrisy.

Even better, my RedState colleague Sister Toldjah Snell blisteredIn a well-written takedown on Sunday The Most ‘Cry Harder’ CNN Translation for ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Has Arrived,She also provided the following response to Snell by Ezra Levant (Canadian journalist).

Levant was the right-wing hypocrite. Liberals are known for their constant Adolf Hitler slams at Republicans including Trump. Obscene “white supremacy” and slavery references, as well — most recently, former NFL quarterback and current multimillionaire crybaby Colin Kaepernick, who, in a new Netflix piece of crap, LiterallyComparing NFL Training Camp to Slavery.

But again, “Let’s go, Brandon” remains the current coin of the left-wing outrage-industry realm.

Why? These people are left-wingers, and their hypocrisy knows no boundaries.

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