Devastating Polling Provides a Window Into Why Democrats Are Trying to Change the 2022 Election Rules – Opinion

Joe Biden is widely dispopular since many months, and his approval rating has hovered in the mid-40s for the past few months. For a while, Democrats only had one issue they could stand behind. The COVID-19 pandemic is that issue. While the president’s ratings have long been terrible on the economy, immigration, and foreign policy (largely driven by his horrific evacuation from Afghanistan), he has mostly stayed above water in regards to his handling of the coronavirus.

Given his less-than-stellar results, you’re probably asking yourself why that’s the case. The answer is because far too many people are naive and see doing “something” as better than doing “nothing” — even if that “something” is doing more harm than good. That’s how you get so many on the left attacking Ron DeSantis for being lax on mitigation even though his state has far out-performed heavily mitigated states like New York. Mitigation is an ineffective tool that is still a religion tenant.

The last straw Democrats had been trying to grasp as a way out of the electoral Armageddon that awaits them in 2022 is now gone. According to the latest poll from CNBC, Biden is now underwater everywhere you’d expect him to be, but he’s also underwater in his handling of COVID-19.

Additionally, although the 44% approval is still higher than any other poll, this is a new low. We are looking for a specific poll. In other words, the trend remains dire for the president, and there’s no end in sight.

President Joe Biden’s disapproval rating hit a new high in December as more voters signaled their unhappiness with his administration’s supervision of the economy and the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to CNBC/Change Research polls, 56 percent say that they don’t approve of Biden’s performance. This is his worst reading as he closes his first year of office. Prior polls in the series showed Biden’s disapproval rating at 54% in early September and 49% in April.

Biden’s approval rating is now at 44%, down from 46% in September and 51% in April.

It’s that 60 percent disapproval rating on the economy that should keep Democrats up at night, though. If a party has the White House, it is impossible to separate the Congressional races from the outcomes that they are producing. These parties will sink together or swim together. Most of their compartments are already flooding.

This polling gives us a glimpse into the motivations of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to manipulate next elections via election takeovers. Schumer currently promises to have a vote regarding the modification of filibuster rules, in order for the Senate to adopt the For the People Act. Meanwhile, the news media is marching in lockstep, pushing the narrative that a 2022 Republican wave will spell the end of “democracy.”

If Democrats didn’t think they were going to get absolutely shellacked in November, they wouldn’t be making this push. It’s too risky, especially since altering the judicial filibuster has already backfired on them in regards to the Supreme Court. However, these poll numbers clearly show that they will continue to jump off the edge. They are aware that they will not win an open and fair election and their only option is to legalize voting, ban voter ID, and carry out a complete federal takeover.

All it is about is installing Democrats as a permanent majorit. It’s not more complicated than that. If they can’t get these election rules changed, they are going to lose big, and there’s no reason to believe Biden and his party can otherwise turn things around another way.

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