A high school in Denver, Colorado, is under fire for showing students a video strongly advising them not to contact the police if they witness a “violently racist or homophobic” incident. While “gender-nonconforming folks” were mentioned, the video is primarily focused on “racist attacks” by “white supremacists.”
Titled, Don’t be a Bystander: 6 Tips for Responding to Racist Attacks, was originally posted to YouTube in 2017 by the Barnard Center for Research on Women, which promotes itself as “a nexus of feminist thought, activism, and collaboration for scholars and activists. Since its founding in 1971, BCRW says it has “promoted women’s and social justice issues to its local communities at Barnard College and within New York City.” Maybe so, but it didn’t work out well for Denver South High.
One point in this controversial video the female black narrator states:
Since police are taught to treat people of color, non-cissive genders and Muslims as criminals they will often consider victims perpetrators. So, if the victim hasn’t asked you to call the police, do not — I repeat, do not — call the police.
OK, I’m already confused. So because “white supremacist violence” is on the increase (false), presumably against people of color, why would these woke, out-of-touch, left-wingers encourage bystanders Reporting is not requiredAre these attacks on the police justified? What— they’re afraid white police zombies are going to side with the alleged “white supremacists” and Throw down against people-of-color victims?
The narrative-driven video provides six tips on how a “bystander” should react if he or she witnesses a violent racist attack. A tip suggests that the bystander talk with the victim, take photos, and then support him/her by being there for the entire incident. The fourth tip is the one in question, here, which advises the bystander to “not call the police,” warns that notifying law enforcement “escalates, rather than reduces” violence.
If you are a witness to a violent crime, and there are witnesses? The first thing you do is don’t call the police. This sounds completely legit.
This is “almost” as insane as defunding police departments. Incidentally, check in with the residents of Minneapolis who’ve been forced to personally fund private security in their crime-ridden neighborhoods, and see how that whole Defund Movement thingy worked out for them.
As the Post further reported, a recent letter signed by five law enforcement associations in Colorado blasted the video, warning it would increase “negative perceptions of law enforcement and [hurt] our efforts to build trusting relationships within the communities we serve, including schools and student populations.”
Irresponsible to dissuade students from calling the cops in cases where there is a chance of violence or tell them to do it themselves. False and offensive suggestion that police officers have been trained to consider people of colour, disabled or LGBTQ persons perpetrators by them is not true.
Everything is true. True: preciselyWhat the Defund, Black Lives Matter and Black Lives Matter movements tried to achieve from the very beginning. Why? It doesn’t take a proverbial rocket scientist to figure out the radical left believes it provides them greater cover and more power over the psyche of their low-information base.
Denver Public School officials were caught in the act of public school officials when their long-sought firestorm finally broke out. Radical-leftist ideology pants down; they lied and said the video was “not fully vetted” prior to being shown to students, and the district does “not subscribe” to some suggestions in the video.
The Post reported that a spokesperson from the district stated to Fox News Digital that they chose the video because it had a title and a theme. But, it wasn’t viewed by anyone before being presented to students. Wait — so “6 tips for responding to racist attacks” didn’t raise an eyebrow, or two? Nonsense.
Rachel Goss, principal of Denver South, where the video has been shown, said it was meant “to provide empowerment for people who may witness these types of attacks, not to have any sort of negative impact on the longstanding relationship between the Denver Public Schools and the Denver Police Department.”
“Empowerment for people”? This could put them at greater risk during violent attacks because they have not been notified by law enforcement. It is absurd.
Goss’s comments had zero to do with reality or the narrative of the video. And again, if school officials didn’t even bother to watch it, why would they assume it conveys the message Goss pretended the school wanted to send?
I’ll go out on a limb and guess they didn’t — and Goss was “forgetting to tell the truth.”