Democrat Attempt to Take Down Ron DeSantis’ Surgeon General Pick Gets Completely Exposed – Opinion

Some days ago, RedState’s Brad Slager reported on an ongoing “scandal” in Florida involving Joseph Lapado, Gov. Ron DeSantis’ appointment to be the surgeon general of the state.

(related Heads Explode Over Florida’s New Surgeon General)

According to the story, Lapado was not allowed to wear a mask when she was around Tina Polsky (a Democrat state senator). Polsky claimed she was deliberately put at risk by her breast cancer. New details have emerged that call into question several parts of this allegation.

It appears, for example, that Lapado offered to travel outside where there is a low risk of spreading, but Polsky insisted that he remain at her office. Lapado is fully vaccinated.

Now, however, there is direct proof that this was a political stunt. The picture shows Polsky seated next to a Democrat colleague wearing a mask on the exact same day as the incident.

Media appearances CNN MSNBC and local TV news outlets on Monday afternoon, Democrat State Senator Tina PolskyAccording to her, she wanted Governor Ron DeSantisto withdraw his nominating of Florida SurgeonGeneral Joseph LadapoBecause he refused to wear a mask before meeting with Polsky. He cited her recent diagnosis of breast cancer as the reason for his mask policy.

However, video evidence and photographs show that Polsky had spent some time with unmasked Democrats. One of these was on the exact same day as Ladapo’s scheduled meeting. She later admitted she hasn’t been consistent in following the policy herself.

It appears that Polsky only cares about wearing a mask around others when it’s a Republican appointee she doesn’t like. This is evidently because she wanted to push the Lapado issue, not because her pre-existing conditions made her fearful. It would have been universal if she had a policy of mandating that everyone wear masks. Polsky seems to have applied her demands selectively when she felt that it would be politically beneficial. After all, she wants to stop Lapado’s confirmation, and in my view, this was her attempt to do so.

Lapado’s refusal to accept the mask cult is scientifically sound. He was willing to leave the house, but this could actually reduce his risk. She insisted that he remain in the office, which was poorly ventilated and enclosed. According to all the data available, she did not need protection because she and Lapado were both vaccinated.

It’s disappointing that the Republican President of the Florida Senate played along with Polsky’s hit job without waiting for all the facts to come out. Hopefully, he’ll revise his statement and continue to offer support for DeSantis’ pick.

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