‘Defeat the Mandates’ All-Day Rally Hits Los Angeles Sunday – Opinion

A huge, all-day “Defeat the Mandates” rally is happening from noon to 8:00 pm PST in downtown Los Angeles on Sunday, April 10. The rally follows one held in Washington D.C. on January 23rd.

RedState’s Nick Arama covered that January event, while Jennifer Oliver O’Connell showed how the mainstream media mostly bashed it, if they bothered to cover it at all.

According to the “Defeat the Mandates” statement:

Although some vaccine mandates have been reduced across the nation, there is still a lot of mandates in hospitals, schools, corporations, businesses and other places. These concerns include restrictions on COVID treatment, Big Tech censorship, COVID-19 vaccines for children that are not necessary, silence of scientific discussion, and extension of Emergency Powers Act beyond March 1, 2019, to address the coronavirus pandemic.

Many speakers will be speaking, such as Dr. Robert Malone and Lara Logan. As the L.A. Times reports, there are already large numbers of people reporting on the situation, including the Freedom Convoy.

Here’s how you can livestream the event.

Many people in the United States are now able to forget about COVID, and its associated restrictions. However, many people continue to live with the negative consequences of COVID and its associated mandates. Students at college are regularly forced to be vaccinated and then boosted, or they face being kicked out. One university is bizarrely co-opting students into following the school’s vaccination policies by restricting the internet for those who fail to adhere.

We’ve all read about police officers, soldiers, nurses, et al. Their failure to bend the knee led them to lose their jobs. They will be represented at Sunday’s rally, as well.

It’s also comical that this rally is happening in deep-blue California, where our governor is currently on vacation — despite the state still being under a State of Emergency for the last Two years. If the governor is able to fly off to Mexico, it would be an emergency.

Rallies can be powerful, and produce change, but they don’t matter if people don’t vote. Last year’s presidential election was dominated by the Democrats. 80 Million people didn’t vote, according to my favorite news source, NPR. This was in spite of record participation. If conservatives were allowed to get even a tiny piece of this pie, imagine what they would achieve.

Don’t sit on the sidelines — or just go to rallies, yet stay home on Election Day. Register to vote. While the next election isn’t a presidential one it is crucial. There are two major elections in the House and Senate, and there are indications that each will go Republican. Make sure you’re one of the people contributing to that victory.

As we’ve learned the hard way over the past two years, local elections matter even more. Most of all, if you’re in California, where people think their votes don’t matter, register and vote in the primary, which takes place from May 9 to June 7, 2022.

The “Defeat The Mandates” rally is happening in the belly of the beast for a reason. Let it matter.

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