Like former Surgeon General Jerome Adams, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and others from former President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force, Dr. Deborah Birx has been hell-bent on revising history in an effort to paint her legacy and that of those she worked with during the first year of the COVID pandemic in the most flattering of lights possible.
Birx, who was the Trump White House’s COVID response coordinator during the first year of the outbreak, sat down for an interview Sunday with CBS News’ “Face the Nation” in which she was asked about the CDC recently announcing an “overhaul” after they vaguely admitted to major failures in how they handled their coronavirus response.
Birx, who in so many words seemingly admitted after the fact that she deliberately deceived the Trump White House to further her own agenda, proclaimed that the CDC was taking an important step because “The way you rebuild public trust is be transparent”:
“Well, the way you rebuild public trust is be transparent. And I think that’s in the report: better data, better accountability, better transparency. They also need to believe. This is the cultural piece. People can comprehend complex issues. It’s your job as a public health official. That’s what public and public health means. It is your job to analyze complex data and make graphs that explain why.
Recommendations that are created out of lack of transparency, and out of a black box where you can’t really follow the logic is what leads to fracturing and trust. To reestablish trust, you have to really work at it. It can be done, but they have to change how they collect data, how they present data, and how they communicate to the American people.”
“The way you rebuild public trust is be transparent,” says Dr. Birx on how the CDC can help its reputation. “Recommendations that are created out of lack of transparency, and out of a black box where you can’t really follow the logic is what leads to fracturing in trust.”
— Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) August 21, 2022
The thing here is that Birx is right – it’s paramount that government health officials be 100% transparent with the American people from start to finish when a public health issue starts. The problem, though, as noted above, is that Birx has admitted not only to lying during her time on the coronavirus task force to further a personal agenda, but she also blurted out during a book promo interview in July that she and others on the task force were dishonest about the vaccines, and “overplayed” them.
Further, when Birx announced her impending retirement, she told a big whopper along the way, stating her family was “dragged into” an AP news report on how she and her family traveled to her Delaware vacation home the day after Thanksgiving in 2020 at a time when public health officials including Birx were urging people to “be vigilant” while limiting gatherings to “your immediate household.”
Birx’s family was the one who actually made it happen, not her media family seeking to make a story.
The thing about transparency is that you either are or you’re not. You can’t claim to be a proponent of transparency months after you admitted you were CarefullyYou are not open about the motivations or actions you took while serving in public office. Her past comments about Trump administration come across as selfish and narcissistic. Especially considering what she stated during the Face the Nation interview in which she claimed that she lobbied the CDC for reporting reforms in 2020.
Birx is free to continue her image rehab tour whenever she likes. But unfortunately for her, the facts – as admitted to by her only when it was convenient for her to do so – don’t care about her feelings.
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