Dark Day for Disney: House of Mouse Condemns FLA Anti-Grooming Bill

Children groomers all over the globe are wailing in anguish today because Governor DeSantis (R–FL) finally signed a bill which prohibits public school students from learning about gender identity and other LGBTQ-related lessons.

The Walt Disney Company is furious and has just released a statement denouncing the law’s signing into effect. It’s a family-friendly business. Stay mad Disney.

Titled the Parental Rights in Education Bill (or the “Don’t Say Gay Bill” if you’re a dishonest lefty), the piece of legislation stipulates that “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3.” 

Of course even normal sex ed classes aren’t introduced to public school kids this young, so this bill isn’t unusual. This bill has been portrayed by the Left as a horrible attempt to cover up the fact that gay people exist.

Disney was vocally against the legislation at almost every stage. In reality, Bob Chapek was initially reluctant to condemn the bill as a political game. But his LGBTQ employees (there are seemingly millions of them) and the media made him feel so guilty about this abdication that he and the company have reversed and become the bill’s mortal enemy.

DeSantis signed bill March 28, even though Disney sent Chapek in person to visit Governor DeSantis to try to stop him signing it.

In response, the company – which had also undergone a company-wide walkout protest orchestrated by its LGBTQ employees – put out a statementOn Twitter, after signing the bill, 

The statement laments, “Florida’s HB 1557, also known as the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill,’ should never have passed and should never have been signed into law.” Ah, tell us how you really feel. 

The company then gave its stated goal, that the law should be “repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts” – surely an interesting goal for an entertainment company. The company also expressed that it remains “committed to supporting the national and state organizations working to achieve that.”

Of course the statement claimed that this is about protecting the “rights and safety of the LGBTQ+ community,” those at the company, in Florida and throughout the country.

What about poor, five-year olds? They shouldn’t be exposed to such confusing and degenerate lessons plans. Is it their right not to receive indoctrination that is harmful?

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