CW’s Woke ‘4400’ Reboot: No Civil Rights ‘Progress’ Since 1950s, ‘Feels Same’

USA: CW reboots its original USA series 4400 (2004)-2007 now just called 4.400 added nothing revolutionary to the old, except some woke updates like a lesbian couple, BLM anti-police attitudes, and a shout-out to the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

On Monday 25 October, the premiere of “Past is Prologue”, the episode’s first episode. It is a show about 4400 people who disappeared in mysterious ways at various times during the past. They all suddenly reappear without any explanation or any memory. As the U.S. government attempts to solve the mystery, they are held in hotel.

Shanice (Brittany Adebumola), black mother, recalls when she met Logan (Cory Jeacoma) at an antiwar protest in the early 2000s. Shanice was pushed into a white police officer and the police officer took an aggressive stance grabbing his billy club.

Protesters: We don’t need blood to get oil! Oil without blood!

Logan: Don’t touch her!

Logan: It was push. That was obvious.

Policing Officer: Be on guard.

Logan, are you okay?  

Shanice: I am fine. This is the man who was raised wrong!

Logan:  I know, right? I don’t know how parents let their kids go out in the world and treat people like that. 

Shanice It seems that this is a common pattern for people with a similar appearance to you.

Logan Fair. 

Hollywood dialogue continues with white men being urged to hate themselves. Logan goes on to date and marry this woman who judges him hostilely by the color of his skin.

In the premiere, it is shown that white cops can be aggressive toward black characters. Black Lives Matter is promoted in this episode. It demonstrates that black Americans have no better life today than it was before Civil Rights.

In fact, Claudette (Jaye Ladymore), a black woman from the 1950s, bemoans the supposed lack of change.

Claudette : This talk of the future. You know, my husband and I have been jailed and worse for organizing the vote for Negroes. If it was really 2021, I’d have hoped we’d made more progress. (Exhales) That it wouldn’t feel the same. 

The show pretends that there hasn’t been any Civil Rights progress for African Americans over the past 60 years. It also panders to Ruth Bader Ginsburg (the late Supreme Court Justice Hollywood strangely idolizes). Hollywood consistently acts like Ginsburg is the only woman to have ever been on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Shanice, a lawyer who was mistakenly identified as a secretary, replies “Excuse my?” You did not just say that in Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s America.” (Shanice does not know that Ginsburg is dead. Someone please inform Hollywood writers that Sandra Day O’Connor wasn’t the first U.S. Supreme Court judge. O’Connor literally was asked to be a secretary when she first applied for a job as a lawyer. For the left, only certain glass ceilings matter.

Hollywood is unable to write original scripts any more, so they rewrite old shows. It’s possible to skip the latest, unimaginative “reimagining” of an original idea.

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