Looking over my writing over the past few years, some would probably get the impression that I’m not a big fan of homosexuals or transgendered people. The frequency with which I write on these subjects could leave those who don’t know me to believe that my dislike of this community is far more intense than my dislike of many other things.
For many of the people who would think that I wouldn’t necessarily blame them for it. Not because I’m giving off that vibe but because they’ve been conditioned to see it that way.
Modern mainstream pop culture tells us that any resistance, complaint, or criticism against the LGBT community is a result of things like “transphobia” or “homophobia.” The only reason anybody would do such a thing is that an intense hatred burns within their hearts. Hated that is born out of ignorance. It may also be influenced by white patriarchy.
It’s all, of course, a bunch of bunk.
Firstly, I don’t know anyone who is homophobic or transphobic by definition. An intense fear can lead to a person suffering from phobias going into fight/flight mode. To overcome a phobia, the person should work hard and keep a rational mind.
This video shows a man trying to conquer his fear of dogs, and then falling into complete fear surrounding a puppy.
My knowledge does not include anyone who is unable to control their fear of LGBT people. It is absurd to think that Americans are suffering from intense fears of homosexuals. I don’t see them cowering in fear or exhibiting any kind of irrational moments of high anxiety around gays or lesbians.
So let’s do away with that phrase as it’s as manipulative as it is stupid.
Secondly, what’s often bypassed completely in any given situation involving denunciations or flat-out resistance against LGBT things is the reason people are doing it. People may have a very solid reason for resisting the efforts of LGBT activists but it’s never given thought. It’s always boiled down to blind hatred.
This is very unfair. Parents are angry that LGBT activists would push children’s books featuring gratuitous representations of gay sex acts. Their kids don’t need to have pornography available in schools, gay or not. Moreover, it’s not the school’s job to teach kids about sex except in a scientific manner. However, homophobic people are labeling parents angry at this.
Girls with high amounts of depression and anxiety are walking into places like Planned Parenthood clinics and having their hormones altered to “transition” into boys in the same manner girls would go out to get their nails done. They’re not being questioned in the clinics or advised that they may just need counseling for other matters. They’re not being thoroughly warned that these hormone treatments could have long-lasting effects on both their mind and body.
When people raise a fuss about this, they’re simply written off as transphobic.
These actions should not be tolerated, regardless of whether you’re gay or trans. All political parties should condemn the use of children to exploit them and expose them to ideas and practices that are not healthy.
Here’s the truth.
I don’t know a lot of people, even in the conservative movement, that hate gay people. I do know several gay conservatives. The most well-known is the one who’s highly regarded by conservatives. Transgender people are also friends and I admire one transgender Conservative who is very popular.
Conservatives would not tolerate gay people if they hate them. Yet, conservatives still watch these videos and listen to the interviews. This is also true for me.
Gay people are not something I hate. In fact, some LGBT members of my family and friends I treasure dearly. I may not agree with their lifestyle, but they don’t agree with mind and we still manage to maintain good friendships.
Because being transgender or gay isn’t the only defining characteristic of a person, The person you are is the sum of all your experiences, feelings, hopes, fears, love, opinions, talents, and relationships. Whether or not they’re a good person doesn’t boil down to whom they like to have romantic relationships with, but how they treat others. The same can be said about a person’s politics. I’ve met gay people who lean to the left whom I actively liked to hang out around and straight conservatives that I couldn’t stand to be around for more than a few minutes.
Here Nuance is key. Of every gay, lesbian, or trans person I’ve met, the vast majority have been lovely, wonderful people, and I think it’s time we as conservatives leave behind this all-or-nothing idea when it comes to the LGBT community. We can disagree on many things, but we are not required (nay, we’re discouraged) to hate. This idea is a myth that LGBT political activists do anything insane in order to get the support of the LGBT population.
It is possible to be not surprised that some people are willing to fight alongside you.
While the LGBT community must spend more time voicing out against extreme acts of its activists, conservatives need to be open to all who are willing to speak up and support them. It’s likely that many of them feel afraid to speak out as there’s a very good chance doing so may lead to their ostracization from their community.
These people should know that they have a safe place to land, and it’s in the big tent.