Comedian Tells MSNBC Lincoln Project Stunt Was ‘Rat Fornicating’ Without a Rat Orgasm

Comedy Josh Gondelman, who appeared on Saturday’s MSNBC Ayman Mohyeldin Show, accused the Lincoln Project (and MSNBC) of an inept stunt: placing fake-Trumpers before a Youngkin to Governor bus in Virginia.

Saying he had to keep his language clean he said the Lincoln Project’s attempts at mocking Republicans are “corny” and they were were “trying to rat fornicate without fornicating the rat to completion.” Watergate’s old term “ratfa-king” refers to dirty tricks. 

AYMAN MOHYELDIN: Josh, I got to ask you about this Lincoln Project stunt. It was a blatant lie. Yesterday, they sent actors wearing tiki-torches to pretend to be Glenn Youngkin supporters. The pundits took it as a compliment, saying that white supremacists showed up to speak to their base. They were only talking about Carlos. It turned out that it was a political stunt. This was a political tactic. What are your thoughts? Does this make it more effective? However, they are doing this to clearly highlight Youngkin’s racist dog whistles. Was this a mistake or effective? 

JOSH GONDELMAN:  I don’t know. It seems corny. I think so much of the Lincoln Project stuff is corny, and it’s like –  I’m going to try to say this in a television-friendly way. The rat would be happy to fornicate with them, but they don’t need to. It just feels a bit like “ugh!” And it’s like the whole trick was just like we’re going to tie this Republican gubernatorial candidate to Donald Trump, a popular ex-president who people still believe when he says the election was stolen. It’s like, good trick, guys! This is really cool. 

Earlier in the segment, after a clip of Youngkin saying he would ban “critical race theory” in the schools, Mohyeldin forwarded the lie that “fact check, critical race theory, is not being taught in grade schools or high schools in Virginia.” He told former Republican congressman Carlos Curbelo this is a “racist dog whistle” to turn out all those racist Republican voters. 

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