Column: The Unanimously Liberal Tilt of the ‘Fact Checkers’

Now that the Ketanji Brown Jackson hearings are complete, we have collected another fascinating exhibit of the leftist tilt of “independent fact checkers.” Just try and find a single fact check on anything Judge Jackson said. Try and find a single evaluation of any statement by a Democratic politician touting Jackson – from Biden and Dick Durbin on down.

Their job duties do not include checking out liberals and Democrats.

On March 28, White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates addressed Judge Jackson’s qualifications. Bates claimed what speaks to the strength of her public record “is the multitude of fact-checks from the press, from retired judges, and from former prosecutors who have dismantled attacks brought by a small group of GOP senators.”

“Dismantling” Republican critiques is the job of the Fact Check community? That’s what it looks like.

Bates applauded the nation’s largest Democrat rags for their efforts. The he lauded Washington Post Fact Checker article by Glenn Kessler titled “These Trump Judges Failed Hawley’s Sentencing Test for Jackson.” He also cited New York Times fact-checker Linda Qiu’s article, titled “Critics of Jackson’s Child Sex Abuse Sentences Backed Judges with Similar Records.”

The Biden press aide correctly noted “This was all on top of a raft of other fact checks already establishing that the basis of these criticisms was dishonest.” Democrats can float on a raft of “fact checks” attempting to censor or downgrade the reach of Republicans.

It was unanimously agreed that targeting should be done.

It Associated Press team offered three “checks” with a self-evident aggression: “Republicans twist Jackson’s judicial record,” “Republicans skew Jackson’s record on crime,” and “Senators misrepresent Jackson on abortion.” Why they left “Republican” out of the third one is anyone’s guess.

Reuters offered two “fact checks” defending Judge Jackson, that it was “missing context” when she attacked loud anti-abortion protesters, and that it was “misleading” to say she accused President George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld of being “war criminals,” when she complained terror suspects were tortured at Guantanamo.

CNN’s Daniel Dale offered one fact check on the “war criminals” complaint. offered three “checks” that energetically explained why Judge Jackson was unfairly maligned, including her views on critical race theory. wondered “Was Ketanji Brown Jackson Drama Scene Partners with Matt Damon in College?” The verdict was “Research In Progress,” which shows you Snopes wants the clickbait before the research is even completed. That’s not a fact check at all. 

It’s absolutely shocking that Andrew Bates didn’t bask in the glow of PolitiFact. Since March 22, these transparently partisan servants offered eight “fact checks” attacking conservatives and Republicans in defense of Judge Jackson.

You can also add one more bizarre attack against a Trump supporter on Facebook who has 2,700 friends. He was ruled “False” when he claimed the Kavanaugh hearings drew more live coverage than the Jackson hearings. That is “True,” and PolitiFact is “False.” Once they started throwing around shoddy rape claims, You Pay the Right Price AndThe View had to take a hike.

This is why Jacob Siegel of Tablet magazine proclaimed “America’s new public-private ‘Ministry of Truth’ mainly serves the interests of the tech platforms and Democratic Party operatives who underwrite and support the fact-checking enterprise. This, in turn, convinces large numbers of normal Americans that the officially sanctioned news product they receive is an ass-covering con job.”

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