In the last few years, Facebook has become Public Enemy #1 in the media’s imagination, and Mark Zuckerberg is suddenly the creepy James Bond villain. Celebrated PBS filmmaker Ken Burns even ranted on a podcast that Zuckerberg was an “enemy of the state” who should be in jail.
After Facebook went down for six hours on October 4, CBS late-night “comedian” Stephen Colbert joked “Facebook did not say what might be causing the outage. Now, I’m no computer expert, but my theory is: A just God?”
Facebook employees gave 90 percent of their political cash to Democrats during the previous cycle. This does not make any difference. Or that Zuckerberg donated $400 million to a “civic integrity” group that funded election monitors and health measures at the polls in 2020. It doesn’t matter how many Facebook posts they censored to please the Left before the election. The outcomes weren’t favorable enough to the Democrats
Liberal journalists likened the dangers of Facebook to smoking and Zuckerberg as a CEO for tobacco companies. The team at Morning Joe used the CEO analogy after touting a poll that Zuckerberg now is less popular than Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr.
Both sides are mad. Conservatives don’t like how much they are censored on Facebook. Liberals don’t like how conservatives are never censored enough for their tastes.
Colbert joked they’re objecting to quack medical advice – it’s where your “second cousin thinks the vaccine gives your pancreas Wi-Fi.” But they’re really upset that conservatives have used Facebook to go around the media filter. They want Facebook to enforce that filter. They need to “curate” information as fiercely as the “mainstream media” do.
In recent days, CNN pursued Facebook so hard that you could think Facebook looked like Fox News Channel. They went live to a hearing on October 5 where Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen ripped her ex-employer as “one of the most urgent threats to the American people,” that they drive children to suicide, stoke division, and weaken democracy.
Democrats demand a drastic content crackdown. On MSNBC’s MTP Daily, Rep. David Cicilline trashed Facebook as “a monopoly, it has monopoly power, it’s too big and too powerful to care.” That sounds like a decent description of our federal government, which is much bigger than Facebook. But Cicilline warned Facebook is a business, so “it in fact puts profits before everything else.
On MSNBC’s “MTP Daily,” Rep. Cicilline trashed Facebook as “a monopoly, it has monopoly power, it’s too big and too powerful to care.” It only cares about profit, so “We have to pass legislation that will make Facebook accountable for amplifying toxic and dangerous content.”
— Tim Graham (@TimJGraham) October 5, 2021
He insisted not only must the government force more competition into the digital marketplace, “We have to pass legislation that will make Facebook accountable for amplifying toxic and dangerous content.”
So what is “toxic and dangerous”? Let’s start with what “fact checkers” are flagging as false. If you look up the category of “Facebook Posts” on PolitiFact, you quickly find that out of 1,456 posts, 89 percent are “Mostly False” (182 posts) or “False”(765 posts) or “Pants on Fire” (357). Only 65 are “True” or “Mostly True.” PolitiFact throws the “False” flag, and Facebook suppresses the content.
PolitiFact has been expressing its dismay at recent claims regarding vaccination misinformation, alleged theft of 2020 elections, and anyone disparaging Biden, liberals, in the most recent posts. For example, there’s one for The White House “created a fake set for (President Joe) Biden to get his booster shot.” (It was a set, placed inside an auditorium.) Then, there’s “Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and wife Sophie faked their COVID-19 vaccinations on live television.”
The watchdogs of “toxic and dangerous” Facebook content have a tilt to the Left….precisely like the “mainstream media” have a perpetual slant.