CNN’s S.E. Cupp Goes on Unhinged Rant Against Anti-Grooming Laws – Opinion

CNN media activist S.E. Cupp went full groomer-apologist during a recent appearance on “CNN Tonight”She also criticized Republicans who passed legislation that would prevent schools districts from incorporating far-leftist ideology about gender identity in K-12 classrooms.

Alisyn Camerota, host of the show brought up the topic when she was discussing the national teacher shortage. She intimated that the lack of educators was related to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act and Stop WOKE Act along with similar laws passed in other states.

“Both bills are creating a culture of confusion among teachers who are nervous if they can be open to litigation by parents who somehow disagree with the curriculums,” Camerota said. “This is happening in the middle of what the labor bureau is calling a nationwide teacher shortage.”

Cupp responded, claiming that Kari Lake, a Republican running for Arizona governor, “literally wants to indoctrinate kids with the Trump approved curriculum from Hillsdale college in public schools.”

“I mean, literal indoctrination here, but it’s the left that’s woke. I just think the worst of it, there’s gonna be lawsuits which are terrible, and then there’s the villainization of teachers,” she bloviated.

Florida governor was next contacted by the activist media. Ron DeSantis, slamming him for ignoring “federal guidance that would protect trans students from discrimination,” and arguing that it could have “incredibly dangerous, real-life effects.”

She continued:

Now they are really big government Republicans. This is about as intrusive to your private life as the government can get. You children, school and education. It is all about big government.

It appears Cupp doesn’t understand that outlining how education is to be presented to children isn’t exactly “big government.”

Every state sets out rules and directives that govern how schools districts should handle education. It doesn’t all of a sudden become “big government” because a state chooses to shape its curriculum in a way that Cupp doesn’t like.

The Parental Rights in Education Act also prohibits teachers from teaching students under eight years old on topics pertaining to gender identity and sexuality. It’s a sentiment with which most Americans agree, according to polling on the matter.

Cupp and her cohorts fail to see that the laws aim to ensure that children learn in math, reading and writing and not be influenced by progressive ideologies. It is also about safeguarding parents’ rights to have a say in how their children are educated and preventing schools from encouraging children who believe they are transgender to transition to the opposite sex behind their parents’ backs.

Apparently, folks like Cupp are more concerned with protecting efforts to indoctrinate children than with making sure parents are able to be involved in their children’s education.

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