CNN to Radical School Board Leftist: Aren’t Your Conservative Critics Racist?

Monday CNN NewsroomJim Sciutto, the host welcomed Karen Watkins, Vice Chairwoman of the Gwinett County Georgia Public School Board. He made the insinuation that the growing anti-left-wing propaganda in schools was based on racism. Only one side is political.

Sciutto’s allegations stemmed from his misunderstanding of how campaigns work: “Let me ask you this, because last year a right-wing attack ad, it actually used your image along with two other women of color attempting to paint you as radical liberals. I wonder if it’s your concern that this attention that’s been focused on you is not accidental, it’s been organized.”



Sciutto was forced to use the images of those they attack in his attacks ads. He also portrayed Watkins and her colleagues as non-partisan public servants who are being victimized by right-wing bullies and activists, but they are radicals who are heavily immersed in anti-police rhetoric.

Watkins was happy to present herself as an impartial actor, standing up against those who tried to politicize education.

It is organised, I think. That is what I believe. We see Facebook posts of, you know, families share with us, parent share with us, community members share with us, Facebook posts of how they’re going to rally together to disrupt a meeting, to do certain things. There is a lot of organization behind this, and it’s unfortunate. This organization is behind a lot of, again, political ideologies and beliefs, things that a school board member, like myself, doesn’t have any control over or can change. 

Sciutto then went on to ask his next question. Sciutto seemed confused by the notion of elections in which right-wingers seek to succeed left-wingers.

Now, you’re elected, of course, your election last fall. Are these efforts working, I wonder? It seems that part of this goal is, in fact, to have others replace you. Others with beliefs, for instance, against, you know, mask mandates. Are they trying to get right-wing people to replace you I suppose is my question?  

Not only did Sciutto ignore the world outside of America on masking children in his question, he also teed up Watkins to again portray herself as the victim: “I think, you know, many people are anxious to remove us from the school board, but, again, you know, it sounds more like it’s because of, you know, political– more political reasons other than student achievement.” 

Critical Race Theory is often referred to by the media as a fake controversy. It would make news. Tarece Johnson, one the “two other women of color” Sciutto defended against alleged racism. She called Georgia“A racist State in which white privilege and fragility reign supreme. It’s a past and present reality. #CRT False media stories are just another example.

Applebee’s sponsored this segment.

The October 25, 2018 show transcript can be found here.

CNN Newsroom: Poppy Harlow, Jim Sciutto

10.52 am ET

JIM SCIUTTO: Let me ask you this, because last year a right-wing attack ad, it actually used your image along with two other women of color attempting to paint you as radical liberals. I wonder if it’s your concern that this attention that’s been focused on you is not accidental, it’s been organized. 

KAREN WATKINS : It is organised. It is organized, I am certain of that. We see Facebook posts of, you know, families share with us, parent share with us, community members share with us, Facebook posts of how they’re going to rally together to disrupt a meeting, to do certain things. There is a lot of organization behind this, and it’s unfortunate. This organization is behind a lot of, again, political ideologies and beliefs, things that a school board member, like myself, doesn’t have any control over. 


WATKINS – Or you can. 

SCIUTTO: Now, you’re elected, of course, your election last fall. Are these efforts working, I wonder? It seems that part of this goal is, in fact, to have others replace you. Others with beliefs, for instance, against, you know, mask mandates. Are they trying to get right-wing people to replace you I suppose is my question? 

WATKINS: It seems, it seems like that is the case because of everything that has happened throughout years via complaints. We just start – literally, Dr. Tarece and myself, we just started on the school board this year. How much of an impact could we have made for us to get as many complaints as we get, to get as much attention? So what you’re stating is, you know, I think, you know, many people are anxious to remove us from the school board, but, again, you know, it sounds more like it’s because of, you know, political…


WATKINS: … More political reasons other than student achievement. 

SCIUTTO: We don’t have much time, but you mentioned threats to you and your family. Are you asking for protection? Do you know anyone who offers protection? 

WATKINS: So, we do ask for protection, but I think, you know, we do try to work with individuals, you know, within our county. They will try. But I think because resources are lacking, it’s very difficult. And I think that’s part of the reason why the National School Board Association has tried to, you know — has reached out to the federal government to see if we can get some assistance here.

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