CNN, MSNBC Ignore Victory Speech of Historic Black Republican in Virginia

Republicans won big Tuesday night wins for diversity. In Virginia they won back the state legislature and the statewide offices. You wouldn’t know this from the collective laughs of the media. 

Winsome Sears made history in Virginia as the state’s first African American Lieutenant Governor. Jason Miyares became the first Hispanic to win Virginia’s Attorney General seat. However, the morning network shows ignored these historic wins on Wednesday. MSNBC and CNN, both liberal networks, did even worse Tuesday night. They didn’t play any part of her victory speech. 

Fox however, played her speech during its entirety. Here’s host Bret Baier introducing it at 12:53 AM: 

Winsome Sears is set to become the next Lieutenant Governor. This will mark Winsome’s first Black female elected to the state legislature in Virginia. She has a unique history,  a Marine and someone who really resonated with a lot of voters throughout the commonwealth. However, in the same atmosphere, Democrats want to classify this ticket as either white supremacists or white nationalists. This is why we have the first ever black female lieutenant Governor. 

MSNBC was able to do exactly this on Tuesday night. Here’s some of the inspiring message from Winsome Sears that MSNBC and CNN skipped. 



Winsome Sears is set to become the next Lieutenant Governor. This will mark Winsome’s first Black female elected to the state legislature in Virginia. She has a unique history,  a Marine and someone who really resonated with a lot of voters throughout the commonwealth. However, in the same atmosphere, Democrats want to classify this ticket as either white supremacists or white nationalist. This is why we have the first ever black female lieutenant Governor. 

Here is an excerpt from Fox. 

Fox News live coverage
12:53 ET                

WINSOME SEARS: I don’t even consider myself to be first-generation American. When I joined the Marine Corps, I was still from Jamaica. However, my country has done so much that I felt willing and able to sacrifice everything for it. USA 


SEARS: So I tell you, victory is indeed. There are many who wish to divide us, and that is something I can tell you. They wish us to imagine we were back in 1963 when our father arrived. You can choose where you want to live. You can live wherever you like, and we have the water fountains. Not once but twice have we had a black president elected, and I’m the living example. You may not have noticed that I’m black. I’ve been black my entire life. However, that isn’t what the issue here is. Instead, we will now focus on the business of commonwealth.

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