CNN Makes Ridiculous Claim About Powers of COVID Vaccinations – Opinion

“This… Is CNN,” they boldly proclaim on a daily basis, “The Most Trusted Name in News.” [ROFL emoji]

Aaaand let’s go straight to CNN for ThisBreaking News:

Study finds that people who are vaccinated against Covid-19 have a lower risk of dying from any reason.

Wait — Any cause?

It’s pretty cool. What happens if I tumble off of a 10 story building? I just walk it off, because I’ve been vaccinated? It’s great. You can also just rub the tree off if you run into one while on skis. Amazing. Sign me up, CNN — I’m in!

Jokes aside — other than CNN itself — as reported by The Most Trusted Name in News under the above headline, COVID-vaccinated people are not only less likely to die from the virus; they are also less likely to die from Any cause  (CNN’s wording) over the following months, researchers reported Friday.

It was the goal of the research team to prove (desperately promote the idea) the safety of the COVID-19-authorized vaccines. They claim that their results clearly support that.

The researchers wrote in the weekly report of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that “recipients of the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Janssen vaccines had lower non-COVID-19 mortality risk than did the unvaccinated comparison groups.” (Shouldn’t that be a given?)

Stanley Xu was a Kaiser Permanente Southern California Department of Research and Evaluation Research and Evaluation Researcher who led the study group. He reportedly spoke to CNN by email.

COVID-19 approved vaccines have been shown to be completely safe in the United States. (Except when they’re not.) They are also safe, according to this research.

It actually shows that COVID-19-vaccinated people had lower deaths rates than non-vaccinated individuals, even if COVID deaths are excluded.

That’s in addition to the mounting evidence from other studies showing that the COVID-19 vaccines are effective against COVID-19 infection, serious illness, and death.

Researchers compared the COVID vaccinations of 6.4 millions people with 4.6million people who received influenza shots recently to compare them to those who hadn’t been immunized against it. The team excluded people who died of COVID, or had a positive recent test.

(Stay with me, here — the ending is a letdown.)

These are our findings

After adjusting for gender, age, race, ethnicity and study location, COVID-19 vaccination recipients experienced lower non-COVID-19 deaths between December 2020 and July 2021.

The COVID-19 vaccination results in a lower death rate, which suggests that vaccinees have substantial health benefits (i.e. vaccinated people tend to be more healthy than non-vaccinated). Future analyses will explore these effects.

This confirms that the USA has approved COVID-19 vaccines. Everyone 12 years old and above should get a COVID-19 vaccination

Wow. It’s amazing. Substantially healthy “vaccinee effects” tend to be healthier than unvaccinated people in general. CNN deserves a Pulitzer for this Pulitzer-worthy report. Oh, and the “all persons aged 12 years and older should receive the COVID-19 vaccine.”

According to the CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, dated October 22, 2021, by September 21, 2021, an estimated 182 million persons in the United States were “fully vaccinated” (the definition of which will be a moving target until the end of time) against COVID-19.

According to the report, daily vaccination rates dropped by around 78 percent between April 13-2021 and April 13, 2021. The main cause was vaccine safety issues leading to vaccine resistance.

There you go.

CNN dutifully steps up to the plate and bats clean-up for the CDC and the Biden administration — all but running a PSA for the vaccine under the guise of a legit news piece.

That’s what “most trusted names in news” outlets do, right?

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