CNN Host Coates Tries to Suggest That Republican Party May Be No More

Wednesday Night’s CNN’s Don Lemon TonightLaura Coates, a stand-in host for the show, welcomed two well-known Republicans to the event. This left Coates hoping for more signs of the end for his party. Geoff Duncan, Lieutenant Governor of Georgia (Republican) and S.E. the conservative CNN political commentator. Cupp was with Coates while she struggled to grasp the fact that GOP still exists.

Coates asked Governor, “Do you have any concerns about the longevity of the Republican Party or is this something that will allow for maybe a third-party system? Gov., “You have to wonder, if all the critics are pushed out… do you have fears for the longevity of the Republican Party or is this something that this is going to enter or allow for maybe a third-party system that reclaims some aspect of this?”


Duncan confidently responded to the question that asked him about the party.

“There is a golden opportunity here, but it’s going to take, right?” Continuing, he stated, if we put the right candidate forward that’s got solutions, that’s energetic, that’s not 78 or 82 years, they certainly have lost their best fastball. So, let’s get somebody that’s capable of leading this country in the right direction, helping our inflation issues, puts us back on the map with national security, understands immigration…”

Duncan did follow up with a swipe at the party, noting “the quality of the candidate still matters. If we win the House and we shove a bunch of Marjorie Taylor Greenes in there, we’re going to be embarrassed as Republicans for the next couple of years.”

Simply not satisfied with the confidence and lack of demise for GOP, the host then turned her attention to Cupp, asking repeatedly, “is the time running out? Is the clock running out?”

Coates asked Cupp questions about midterms coming up in November. Cupp was asked when the Republican Party (and Democratic) might need to straighten their party lines and nominate someone who will run for office in 2024. Cupp took the chance to attack the GOP

“Listen, 2024 is around the corner. And Trump is really the only one who has expressed an interest in getting in to the race,” Cupp said. “So, if he has no competition in a party that wants no competition of ideas anymore (…) then we know where this is going. It is pretty inevitable.”

Stating the simple truth that the United States has a moderate middle “that is just completely embarrassed at their vote for Joe Biden,” Duncan stated, “We’ve got a chance to convince the middle and win for decades.”

Both the 2024 election and midterms will be a testimony to this. One thing is certain. Since 1854, the Republican Party is here and will continue to be so.

This segment has been sponsored by Chevron Carvana. You can link their contact information. 

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CNN’s Don’t forget Lemon tonight
11:30:57  p.m. Eastern


LAURA COATES – I am referring to Lieutenant Governor on this point. To S.E.To S.E., the point of the Republican Party is to be understood. And many other people are completely unrecognizable. The identity crisis is fully formed.

One has to wonder if the Republicans are being criticized enough, or if there are still people who will say things that are not traditional Republicans’. Do you worry about their longevity?

LT. GOV. GEOFF DUNCAN, R-GA: I have been a Republican for a long time, longer than Donald Trump, and I am only 47 years of age. So that’s why I am not moving. I will fight for the Conservative values that I hold dear.

There is an opportunity, I believe, here. But it will take. You have people on the Republican side who, for the first-time ever, don’t think Donald Trump should run again. These numbers could fluctuate slightly now due to the FBI Search. They are tracking in this direction.

The middle is completely ashamed of their vote for Joe Biden, and all his misgivings about America during the past two-years.

If we choose the right candidate, who is qualified, has energy, and doesn’t look 78/82, then they will have certainly lost their fastest fastball. We need someone who can lead this country and help us with our inflation problems, put us back on top of national security, understands the reality of immigration. This is your chance to persuade the middle, and we can win for years. It will take some time. It’s still up to the quality and character of the candidate. We’ll be ashamed as Republicans the next two years if we win the House with a lot of Marjorie Taylor Greenes.

COATES: S.E. Is it running out of time? Does the clock tick down? The primaries and the midterm elections are both coming up. It’s two years off the 2024. But everyone is looking forward to that date to see what will happen. Do you think the shot clock is about to expire? Lieutenant Governor, I don’t like to use analogies that aren’t related to baseball. But I will try a new one. Do you think the shot clock is running out?

S.E. S.E. Trump really is the only one to have expressed interest in joining the race. Everybody else is a bit cautious around Trump. If he doesn’t have any competition from a party who wants to be the only one offering ideas, we all know exactly where this is leading. It’s almost inevitable.


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