CNN Ghouls: Kids in Foster Care, Disabled Relatives Should’ve Been Aborted

Following the U.S. Supreme Court decision, Roe V. WadeOn Friday, CNN’s liberals wore an ugly mask that showed the nakedness beneath. CNN Newsroom host Alisyn Camerota and faux “Republican” commentator and co-host of The ViewAna Navarro made the spooky argument that children in foster care or relatives with cognitive impairments should have the right to abortion.

They made these disgusting comments as they tagged-teamed with Republican strategist Alice Stewart to defend the prolife movement. “I can tell you, having worked and advocated in the pro-life community for many years, there are crisis pregnancy centers set up across this country that are there to provide assistance, financial assistance, for expectant mothers,” she attested.

And despite Stewart noting how “There are services in place in the pro-life community that will help in this situation,” Camerota was not having it. Stewart was not pleased and Camerota took aim at foster children, arguing that they should have been aborted.

In the U.S., there are approximately 410,000 foster children right now.They’re clearly not all being implemented. These babies might have disabilities. So, how is that plan going to work? These are not all currently being addressed.



Camerota’s example, Navarro took the lead and used her family members to explain why she believed it was necessary to murder babies. “And because I have a family with a lot of special needs kids,”She screamed. “I have a brother who’s 57 and has the mental and motor skills of a 1-year-old. And I know what that means financially, emotionally, physically, for a family.”

If that wasn’t cold-hearted enough, she then targeted the cognitively disabled step-grandkids she had from her husband Al Cardenas, the former head of the American Conservative Union:

It’s not possible for all families to do this, and that is something I am well aware of. a step-granddaughter who was born with Down’s SyndromeYou know what’s even worse? Florida is a difficult state to access services. This isn’t as simple as it seems on paper. There’s another. A step-grandson that is autistic, who has autism and it is –

“And their mothers and people who are in that society who are in that community will tell you that they considered suicide because that’s how difficult it is to get help because that’s how lonely they feel,” she bitterly shouted.

This was followed up by Navarro proving how little she knew about what she claimed was her “Catholic” faith. “And so, why can I be Catholic and still think this is a wrong decision? Because I’m American. Because I’m Catholic in the church. I’m Catholic when it comes to me,” she huffed.

As Catholics, we’re called to do the works of mercy outside the church, Ana.

“But there’s a lot of Americans who are not Catholic, and are not Christian, and are not Baptist, You don’t have the right to dictate what their bodies should be doing. Nobody does,”She let out a loud sigh.

What about the lives and bodies of foster children? Oder those of your step-grandkids and brother? Don’t their lives have value, Ana? They’re certainly worth more than what CNN and ABC are paying you.

The lucrative sponsorships of AARP (United Healthcare) made this monstrous defense against the killing of babies possible. You can find their contact information here.

Below is the transcript. Click “expand to read:

CNN Newsroom
June 24, 2022
Eastern at 2:24 :59


ALICE STEVART: As someone who has worked for years in pro-life communities, I know that there are many crisis pregnancy centers across the country, which are available to offer financial support and assistance for expecting mothers.


START: They can decide whether to adopt the child or keep it. This situation can be helped by the services offered by the pro-life community.

CAMEROTA – But Alice. But wait. Now, let me tell you more. The U.S. currently has around 410,000 foster children. They are not all being adopted, so it is clear that they aren’t all being adopted. Some of the babies may have physical disabilities. So, how is that plan going to work? These are not all currently being addressed.


Eastern at 2:26.50

ANA NAVARRO : I’m not here to give you advice on your life and your uterus. A lot of my family members have special needs children. My brother is 57 years old and has motor and mental skills comparable to a 1-year-old. That’s what it means for families financially, emotionally and physically.

And I know not all families can do it and I have a step-granddaughter who was born with Down’s Syndrome and you know what? Services are difficult to find in Florida. The process is not always as straightforward as it appears on paper. And I’ve got another step-grandson who is very autistic, who has autism and it is –

They will share their thoughts with their moms and others in the community who have been there. They can’t find other work. They have financial problems. Because they can’t afford to provide care for their other children.

So, how can I still be Catholic while believing that this was a bad decision? Because I’m American. I consider myself Catholic within the Church. It doesn’t matter to me that I am Catholic. There are many Americans out there who don’t believe in God, aren’t Christians, or aren’t Baptists. You have no right to dictate what their bodies should be doing. You don’t.


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