CNN Dumps on Terry McAuliffe in His Clearest ‘Flashing Red Light’ Moment Yet – Opinion

I joked a bit about Terry McAuliffe (Va. Democratic nominee for governor), who is now under water per many recent polling figures. This was after he gave a CNN interview in which he was criticised for repeatedly referring to Donald Trump.

I said “half-jokingly” because it struck me at the time that it might have been another pivotal point in his campaign, considering the semi-negative moment for McAuliffe came courtesy of an interview with a Dem-friendly NationalMedia outlet, something unheard-of before this month.

As it turns out, it was indeed a pivotal moment in my opinion for reasons I’ll explain below.

Since that time, though still mostly positive, the negative national news reports have grown in number for McAuliffe, including one from CBS News from last week highlighting how independent voters were going on record as saying that they were voting for or considering voting for Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin because it would send a strong signal to McAuliffe that they didn’t care for his agenda and to President Biden to show how displeased they were with what he’d done so far.

There was also today’s contentious exchange between McAuliffe and NBC News “Meet the Press” anchor Chuck Todd, who whacked McAuliffe for lying about Youngkin allegedly wanting to “ban books” or give parents the right to.

But CNN’s switcheroni on McAuliffe has been particularly interesting, in my view. McAuliffe’s first insult was given by reporters Dan Merica and Dan Merica. Merica noted McAuliffe’s lack of enthusiasm for rallies, as well as the low numbers attending at times in the race. These are things that can be seen at Youngkin events regularly but not at McAuliffe campaign stop (unless McAuliffe has a prominent Dem, which Merica also pointed out).

Then there was the other report from Merica, which my colleague Bonchie wrote about, where McAuliffe was called out for doing a complete 180 on his constant references to Trump after he declared in so many words that the election wasn’t about Trump. If there was ever a flipflop, this is it.

It occurred to me that McAuliffe’s national media was slowing turning on him at the eleventh hour, with two or three days remaining before Election Day. When the liberal media loses confidence in the Democrat they’ve been championing is the clearest flashing red light yet that that candidate is in big trouble.

I don’t want to oversell this but the warning signs are all there, with the dramatic 42 percent shift from McAuliffe to Youngkin in a month’s time being the other big warning sign for McAuliffe. He’s pissed parents off big time with the insinuations that they are “racists” for opposing CRT and sexually explicit books, and with the outright declaration that he doesn’t believe they “should be telling schools what they should teach.”

With the media’s obvious turn against McAuliffe being more than apparent and perhaps with the thought in mind that hey, this guy might actually lose, the appropriate response for voters would be to do one thing and with feeling:

Be the proof. They will. Right.

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