CNN Bemoans Manchin & Sinema Aren’t Going Out of Their Way to Make Biden ‘Look Good’

Preparing for President Biden’s address marking his one-year anniversary as president, CNN NewsroomGuest Inside PoliticsAnchor Abby Philip shared her true belief about the purpose and function of the federal legislative body. It is supposed to “make the President look good.”

We will discuss the struggles of the Biden Administration to get most of its agenda through Congress as well as the crumbling poll numbers for the Democrat Party and Biden. CNN NewsroomVictor Blackwell was co-anchor and turned to Abby Phillip, asking Consider the legislative narrative, polling data and the fact that we are seeing dissatisfied Progressives or Moderates begin to move away from President Obama. 

Phillip was apathetic about “You have two powerful senators, but they seem to be moderates.” This refers to Democrat Senators Joe Manchin, (WV) and Krysten Silema (AZ), who have so far refused to bow to political pressure to abolish the legislative filibuster.



Manchin, Sinema were then added to her list. “are not going out of their way to make their President look good. They have done some things in the last week, whether it was Kyrsten Sinema going to the Senate floor just before Joe Biden showed up on–in the Senate to essentially embarrass him.” Phillip continued to whine. 

I think there’s a sense there that Joe Biden doesn’t have any political sway over them, and when it comes to liberals, there is a dissatisfaction here. Many of these progressives held their nose and voted for Joe Biden even though they did not believe that he was Progressive enough, and now they want to see receipts. They want to see results.

Apparently, Phillip believes Manchin and Sinema were elected to “make their President look good.” I would recommend Phillip review Article I of the United States Constitution and show us where that is in their official duty as Senator.

We do know that the media doesn’t feel this way about Republican Senators who are serving during a Republican presidential administration. Especially when a moderate Republican is responsible for tanking a major piece of legislation important to a Republican President. When that happens, they are eagerly referred to as “mavericks.” 

This biased CNN segment was made possible thanks to sponsorships from Liberty Mutual, Pampers (a division of P&G), & Subway. Their information is linked so you can let them know about the biased news they fund. 

To read the transcript of this segment click “expand”: 

CNN Newsroom 


3:25:23 PM 

VICTOR BLACKWELL: Nine months, ten months out from an election here. Abby, are we seeing any dissatisfied progressives or even moderates start to pull away a bit from the President, considering the legislative narrative and those polling numbers?

ABBY PHILIP: Well, I mean, two data points. You’ve got two very powerful, it seems, moderates in the Senate who are not going out of their way to make their President look good. They have done some things in the last week, whether it was Kyrsten Sinema going to the Senate floor just before Joe Biden showed up on–in the Senate to essentially embarrass him. So that’s one data point on the moderates. It’s clear that Joe Biden isn’t able to exert any influence over these people. This leads me to believe there’s dissatisfaction among liberals. These progressives voted for Joe Biden despite not believing he was Progressive enough. Now they want receipts. They desire to see the results. They are not seeing progress in some areas they care deeply about. This year’s most critical question will be how the White House deals with dissatisfaction. For the base, midterms matter. This is when you have to motivate your base and let them know that more will be coming.

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