Clown Car: Funniest Tweets About Hutchinson’s Jan. 6 Testimony

Cassidy Hutchinson’s January 6 Committee testimony has elicited plenty of response. Some of these are the most hilarious.

We have first Donald Trump Jr.’s hilarious edit of Trump driving a Secret Service Car onto the White House lawn. 

Political Pundit Sebastain Gorka shows that Cassidy’s testimony is as funny as a story told by Tommy Devito

Popular meme account @grandoldmemes perfectly characterized the broken telephone game that is Hutchinson’s testimony is. 

Political commentator Jack Poseobeic is brave enough to provide footage to support Cassidy’s testimony. 

Finally we have Senior Writer for America Greatness’ Julie Kelly who shows that Hutchinson’s testimony is as outlandish as a scene from Thelma and Louise! 

That’s entertainment! 

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