Climate Summits Only Worsen Global Warming, Especially When Joe Biden Is Talking – Opinion

I can’t be the only one who’s fed up with all this climate-summit hooey. Every few months, it goes nowhere when supporters want to take a trip to another fascinating global city using taxpayer-funded expense account funds.

We’re set up today for two full weeks of it as Joe Biden and some actual world leaders meet again – this time in Glasgow – to doom-say our lives and everything anyone has ever worked for since the beginning of time. It’s all in urgent jeopardy, you know, if we don’t do something fast.

We can’t spend billions and billions of money to fix things that are already changing. Joe Biden, in his better days, is a strong believer.

Remember John Kerry? He started out as an antiwar activist, became a lieutenant Governor and was then elected senator. Next, he was a presidential candidate who lost and finally became secretary of state.

He left unemployment to become Joe Biden’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. So, this latest climate summit that won’t accomplish anything is a big deal for him. He calls it COP26 and is going to spend the entire two weeks in Scotland, which isn’t exactly tough duty.

My dad grew up in Glasgow many decades ago, when the city was an industrial and sooty place. It’s still a major economic hub, but over years, the locals got together and cleaned up their workplace and 570-year-old city to the beautiful one it is today. All this without the need for a summit.

Kerry hails the Glasgow gathering. It has attracted many jet planeloads of leaders, and squadrons and important aides who use tons of jet fuel to fly high at high speed and high altitudes. Kerry expressed his gratitude recently. Kerry claims that this is the final chance to save our planet from disaster.

More accurately, given all the results-free efforts in recent years, it’s just the next chance.

Remember Thomas “Hollywood” Henderson before a long-ago NFL championship game. The man said that the Super Bowl is “the most important ever” and asked why they were having another one.

I had the misfortune many years ago to be assigned to cover the very first Earth Day back in 1970 at the beginning of The End unless we spent large sums of money to change what we’re doing. It was a historic event that changed the course of history. They have another one each April. But somehow, we’re still in big trouble. We need another summit on climate change to make a difference.

My New York City editors deemed the first Earth Day so vital for humanity’s future that they gave it to the youngest, most vulnerable kid walking past their desk on that day.

Fortunately, we are all still here, along with the Earth that’s been spinning through space at eight miles per second for going on five billion years now, give or take 400 million. But, as usual, John Kerry is certain he knows things the rest of us don’t.

You know how to hit a bicycle and then break your leg. That would never have happened if he’d been in an automobile.

Kerry recently announced that this month’s United Nations Climate Summit in Glasgow is the “last best chance” to avoid potential catastrophic damage to the 4.5 billion-year-old planet that has suffered previous catastrophic damage and come through pretty well. Thank you, Bruce Willis.

They and their bureaucratic predecessors failed to reach a cost-effective consensus at any other climate summits. Maybe another one will succeed. It’s good food.

G20 Leaders just concluded their most recent meeting at a pleasant location. Every elite meeting has a host. The one in Rome was not on hardship duty.

The topic of climate was also very important. It is urgent. Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping did their part to save the Earth by staying home, not burning tons of kerosene to travel there at 550 miles an hour for a group photo like their high school yearbook.

According to numbers tossed around by climate-control advocates, the G20 economies turn out three-quarters of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. With the assurance that everyone else is not counting, they state their conviction.

The meeting folks agreed they need to speed up their Earth-saving activities by spending tons of other people’s money as quickly as possible because Doom looms. These countries, which are not developed, were particularly eager for the developed nations to speed up their distribution of billions to save the Earth.

However, the participants could not agree on what they should do. This is another failure.

That’s my problem with these regular Earth-saving assemblies. It’s all well-meaning and inspiring, but the talking isn’t always good enough. It’s the actions that inevitably fall short, way short. Everyone at this meeting stated that they will stop exporting coal-fired electricity plants to other nations. Enforcement is not the issue.

And that’s it.

They couldn’t agree on specific steps to live up to the climate-saving commitments they made six years ago at the climate summit in Paris. That’s the empty agreement that Donald Trump abandoned because the worst polluters like China and India weren’t doing as much to meet the international goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2150.

The weekend’s G20 summit was just a two-day deal in Rome. After the summit, elites flew another 1,223 mile to Glasgow for two. Weeks trying again to find something that won’t hurt anyone.

Joe Biden believed so strongly that it was important to make a statement about his passion for saving the Earth, that half his Cabinet traveled to Glasgow. Three government jets were required to fly them to the Transatlantic Flight.

There are also several military transport aircraft that can be used to take the Secret Service or military vehicles overseas and back. Saturday’s motorcade in Rome for the climate-conscious Biden had 85 gas-powered vehicles, which proves something.

As you may have noticed from this year’s trillions in newly-printed cash, Joe Biden has never minded spending other people’s money. He and his entourage once ran up a $600,000 hotel tab for a single night’s stay in Paris plus another half-million for a night in a London hotel. He was only vice-president at the time.

Joe Biden will undoubtedly announce that there has been progress in Nature control to justify his existence and the expense of all that folderol. That won’t be fact-checked because Joe Biden wouldn’t lie. And the fake details won’t be remembered either.

This will allow media outlets to be excited once more in 2022 to take the last possible precaution against catastrophic Earth damage.

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