There is no shortage of “anti-racism” grifters. The author of “White Fragility,” Robin DiAngelo tops the list of race-baiting con artists. She’s turned her absurd hustle in her un-falsifiable book into a booming multi-million dollar business. If you’re white there is no way out of DiAngelo’s loop. If you don’t acknowledge you’re a racist, you are definitely a racist. If you do acknowledge you are a racist, it’s proof of white racism. Every white person is therefore a racist. It’s a type of grift that’s been used for centuries. It’s Hobson’s Choice.
DiAngelo isn’t alone in her con. Another is Ibram. X. Kendi. Kendi has written versions of the same thesis, that being – you cannot “heal” unless you acknowledge your white racism. Kendi’s birth name is Ibram Henry Rogers. Maybe he thought hustling people while they called him “Mr. Rogers” might be a hard sell. Anyway, for Kendi, it’s not enough for someone to say they are not a racist, they must acknowledge that they are racist and move on to being “anti-racist.” But, alas you’re still a racist, just a racist working at being a better, less racist, racist. He’s very skilled at this con. Hobson’s Choice.
It has also flooded school classrooms with the race grift. The race grift is also taught to children under three years old that they are also racists and must be made anti-racists. Kendi, aka Mr. Rogers, wrote a children’s book called the “Anti-Racist Baby” to do just that. It’s written for children under three. Federal government, all levels of the state and local governments offer anti-racist training. This can cost thousands to grifters who sell their snake oil. If you’re white, you must admit your racism. If you don’t, you are definitely a racist.
Nikole Hayne-Jones is one of many race grotters who attempted to alter history. Hannah-Jones was awarded a Pulitzer, despite the fact that The 1619 Project is historyless. Notwithstanding The 1619 Project being sloppy garbage, it’s being used in school curriculums. Hannah Jones and other race-hustlers believe that all things are racist. The notion that tipping a waiter is steeped in racism might seem utterly absurd but, it’s “her truth”.
Wait, what?
— Phil Magness (@PhilWMagness) March 22, 2022
It’s also nonsense, of course, but race-grifters hope that enough people will spread their nonsense, and eventually, their nonsense will become everyone’s dogma.
Also, word usage is being attacked. Racist hustlers use common phrases and words to make their points. The Augusta National Invitation Tournament was the initial name for the Masters Tournament. It was changed by Iowa native and Augusta National founder Clifford Roberts as a tribute to the “Masters of Golf” who played it. It had no link to racism, but Augusta is located in the south so “The Masters” is racist.
All uses of “master” or “slave” are interpreted as racist references to black slavery. Computer science is no longer accepting master/slave (I’d rather hide those hard drives). Real estate companies won’t use the term “master bedroom” now because it’s racist. There is zero evidence that “master bedroom” has any link to racism. The term, “master bedroom” started after World War II, but facts aren’t necessary for a race hustle.
Even words like “picnic” are now, racist. Yes, “picnic.” “Picnic” has its origins in England, (Chesterfield’s Letters) 1748 and references a fancy event where gentry brought various food items to outdoor events. It was called piquenique by the French.
Is “picnic” racist? Although it is not racist, those who are easily fooled might believe so.
A Michigan pastor fell for a meme that described “picnic” as racist. He was shocked. How many racist “P word” events had he attended in his life? God forgave him. He discovered the truth. “Picnic” has no racist etymological origin. Hell was avoided but the pastor decided, notwithstanding the truth, he best refrain from using the “P word.” Here he is bending a woke knee (or maybe both) to race-hustling nonsense.
A Michigan pastor claims that his church “repented” of using “picnic” in its name due to a false meme about the term having a racist origin.
The man knows that the meme is false and still follows it.
— Woke Preacher Clips (@WokePreacherTV) August 11, 2022
Wait! There’s more!
This pastor wasn’t done being hustled. Prince Solace was his host. Prince Solace goes to churches, shakes down them and seeks reparation for his slavery. He wants reparations for something no one in any church engaged in — ever. Repatriations to an institution that died 157 year ago. Prince talks in monotones, as he tries to get cash. Prince speaks softly while a piano is playing in the background. pitchThe congregation:
“Are you interested, are you invested in this idea of truly repairing the damages that have been caused by slavery? And this model of reparations is nothing new, it’s something that’s been talked about since slavery ended – right? And so we are serving as a local model for what’s happening on a national scale, umm Ta-Nehisi Coates has talked about the need for reparations.”
He delivers his pitch like he’s quoting scripture, but all he’s doing is citing another race-grifter.
The simplicity of this church grift makes it elegant. You can reach people who are traditionally more open to giving and then grift them into paying the penalty for a sin that they did not commit.
Who are other racists you might know? Yogi Bear and Boo Boo. Yogi. Boo Boo is still a racist but he’s working on it.