Breitbart’s Pam Key noticed Friday’s announcement Neue Day CNN anchor Chris Wallace said Republicans characterizing the FBI’s action at Mar-a-Lago as a “huge” “Gestapo” tactic is “out of touch with reality.” It is wrong to compare the FBI with the Nazis. CNN and their Democrat allies save the rest for Republicans. As stand-ins to Trump voters, the Liberal Media has focused on the FBI raid’s neoNazi message boards and racist message board.
However, we all know that Trump’s FBI could raid Clinton houses and unleash the paragons of tyranny. CNN focused their attention on CNN’s claim that Republicans didn’t condemn the violent nut attack the FBI field office Cincinnati. This condemnation ought to be obvious and easy. Wallace wisecrack, “you know, that thing was,” Simon Garfunkel quoting, “The Sound of Silence.” People on the right didn’t seem to be too harsh with you.
BERMAN He asked where were the Republicans? He said, “You know, no violence,” and that this was incorrect, referring to what had happened in Cincinnati. He was also stunned at the silence.
WALLACE: Well, I mean, again, we’re talking about a party that is, has hit Democrats for not supporting, backing the blue, for not supporting law enforcement. We have people who are doing their jobs. And, you know, let’s make it clear again, this was not a raid. It was an extremely carefully-vetted hunt. They were taken to the court. They were issued a search warrant. They were allowed to enter. The Secret Service was apparently notified at least one hour before they entered. According to reports, they were particularly concerned about doing it while the ex-president was away. They then went into the building and completed it. It was basically done by the book. While you can debate whether it should have been done, they just did it according to the book. The idea that they are using this as a massive, and literally used the word, Gestapo tactic is completely out of line with what actually happened.
KEILAR” Yeah. And they’re playing with fire when they’re talking about this. This is what we see yesterday.
CNN was not bothered by the Nazi/Gestapo talk, even though it was applied to Trump’s government.
— In 2020, CNN’s New Day crew sat by as Rep. Jim Clyburn said of federal law enforcement during the Portland riots: That kind of activity is the activity of a police state, andThe President and the Attorney General are doing all they can to make Gestapo operations illegal in local communities.”
— In 2018, CNN’s Twitter account demonized Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials as comparable to the Nazis. In a March 14 tweet, CNN touted their own report of a Jewish woman taking in illegal immigrants, “driven by thoughts of the Holocaust.” CNN’s Erin Burnett, a CNN reporter asked Erin Burnett whether she could hear “the echoes” of the past.
The Nazis tend to be the conservatives more often. 2019 Day of the NewRegular John Avlon ridiculed Pat Buchanan’s 1992 Republican Convention speech, recalling that “columnist Molly Ivins was memorably criticised as“…probably sounds better when spoken in German.”
Of course, Rupert Murdoch of Fox News is compared to the Nazis. Fareed Zakaari, CNN host in 2021, also referred to Murdoch as a Fox News owner. However, he could have plagiarized from another source.
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