Chicago Teachers Go on Strike Again — and the Backlash Is Swift and Somewhat Hilarious – Opinion

Over the Christmas break, RedState reported on an online poll sent out by the Chicago Teachers Union to its members gauging the support for a strike and a return to “remote learning.” All credit to Corey DeAngelis, who has helped lead the fight against union corruption on this front, for uncovering the poll and its results.

It showed that teachers were in support of the move. I thought that there would be a stop to work. Today was the day that that dream became reality. The union said that teachers were not going to be there for work. That left hundreds of thousands of students in distress.

What absolute lazy bums these people are, and harmful ones at that — given the damage they are doing to children. There’s no reason to have schools close now. The children themselves, who are not considered strong vectors of disease, are at risk of being killed by drowning, car accidents, the flu or head injuries. (related: Leave the Kids Alone). Teachers have had access to the first vaccines and were able triple-vaccinated.

Further, American taxpayers shoveled tens of billions of dollars to schools in order to make them “safe” (a misnomer in itself, given almost all mitigation is highly ineffective). No cost N95 test and masks are available to teachers.

These absolute beasts still strike regardless, holding taxpayers captive and telling kids to leap off the cliff. Chicago’s current Omicron spike will continue for months. What is the plan for kids? Remote learning can only be described as a joke, even though many people on the right have come to realize that school closings can cause severe harm.

But aside from the online backlash, and there’s been a lot of it, the backlash from Chicago’s city government has also been swift and kind of hilarious. Lori Lightfoot (who is as left-leaning as it gets) decided not to let anyone down. The striking CTU members were immediately taken from their Google Classrooms by Lightfoot.

Imagine yourself being undeservedly entitled to institute a workstoppage, then complain about getting locked out from your Google Classrooms. Chicago’s government (via the taxpayers that elected it) has the right to dictate how students will be taught. CTU members were upset by this decision because it stopped them from rallying support. Their message was being spread via Google Hangouts. That’s why it’s so funny that they are throwing a fit now for being locked out.

I will be open and honest about it: large blue-state teachers unions are corrupt, abusive organisations. Although this is not the case for all teachers unions, especially those in the South, Chicago’s teachers unions are a dangerous force that hurts kids. It’s long past time city leaders and parents stand up to them.

In summary, this isn’t a complicated issue. Although I admire teachers doing right by their students (including the ones in Chicago), they’re not unique and aren’t the only ones capable of fulfilling the task. If teachers feel they are in such danger from going to work that they cannot continue to abuse children, they should leave. It’s that simple. Give up on being lazy, do-nothings, and get out of your misery.

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