It’s Episode Eleven of MRC’s new video series, With TR, CensorTrack This week we talked about Big Tech’s overreach in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.
18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with first-degree murder after he shot three men defending property during an anti-police riot back in 2020 — killing two of them. Big Tech only promotes certain views online, which restricts what users see.
Facebook won’t allow users to search “Kyle Rittenhouse” in the search bar and even Google is suppressing certain articles — the articles that show Rittenhouse’s side.
Steven Crowder Crowder Makes You LouderThe Daily Wire, and YouTube both shared footage from the evening’s riot as well trial footage. YouTube posted an age restriction notice prior to the video but did not prohibit The New York Times and Washington Post from posting similar footage.
More than 45 entries are now available on the MRC CensorTrack site regarding censorship related to Rittenhouse.
For the 11th episode, please watch below Track TR with CensorTrack You are encouraged to share this information on social media. If you have been censored, contact us at and use #FreeSpeech to point out more of Big Tech’s unacceptable bias.
You can check out previous episodes here:
- MRC DebutsWeekly Video Series Fighting Back against Big Tech Censors
- Big Tech SILICENCESCongressman: Mourning Mother
- Big Tech RESTRICTSHistorical and Current Military Truths
- Spread the Big Tech Word FALSE ‘Horse Dewormer’ Articles
- Big Tech BLOCKAdvertising for Life Saving Measures
- James O’Keefe Says Big Tech NUKED Project Veritas Vaccination Videos
- Big Tech Allows ‘TERF’ But Blocks Actual Science
- Big Tech Censors GOP Congressmen TOO MANYMore Than Democrats: 54-1
- THE IRONYPlease! TikTok Censors Display on Anti-Censorship
CensorTrack With TR: Big Tech Censors America’s #1 Song
Twitter Bans Conservatives With CensorTrackMisgendering‘ Rachel Levine
Conservatives are being attacked.Contact us at Media Research Center if you feel your voice has been blocked. Use the contact formPlease help us make Big Tech more accountable.