CensorTrack with TR: Big Tech Is NOT Smarter Than Scientists

It’s Episode Twenty of MRC’s newest video series, With TR, CensorTrack We talked this week about Big Tech’s belief that they have more knowledge than licensed professionals regarding COVID-19 vaccines. 

Dr. Robert Malone is one of the immunologists and virologists who made mRNA technology — the same technology in the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines. Due to Dr. Malone’s controversial views on COVID-19 vaccinations, he has fallen prey to censorship. 

James Clinic provided a link that led to the Global Covid Summit. Malone warned against the dangers in vaccinating children using mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations. Facebook removed the post. 

Malone tweeted a video from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance claiming that the COVID-19 vaccines do “More Harm Than Good.” Twitter restrictedHis tweet was then deleted and his account suspended. 

Podcast host Dana LoeschInterview with Malone discussing the COVID-19 vaccinations. Facebook has removed the whole video but left a clip.

Patrick Bet-David, entrepreneur interviewed Malone about the COVID-19 vaccinations. YouTube removed the episode less than 24 hours later.  

Malone was also expelled from LinkedIn, where he claimed to have 30,000 connections. 

Big Tech and left view science as gospel. However, science that contradicts the leftist story is swiftly silenced and removed. Big Tech’s bias and hypocrisy is undeniable. 

You can watch the episode 20 below Track TR with CensorTrack You are encouraged to share this information on social media. If you have been censored, contact us at www.CensorTrack.org, and use #FreeSpeech to point out more of Big Tech’s unacceptable bias. 

Check out our recent episodes:

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  • You’ve missed that! Twitter got its medical degree?
  • YouTube Makes Youth Learn Against Socialism
  • Big Tech HATES CHRISTmas!

  • Year of Anti-Trump, Anti-Life & Anti-Free Speech

  • Und More

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