On Friday’s CBS MorningsThe two hour documentary was promoted on Friday Night Hyping Watergate: Watergate is a high-profile case of White House corruption.It was tied into new anti-Trump hearings. Co-host Tony Dokoupil began: “As the January 6 hearings continue in Washington, the Watergate story continues to echo today offering potential lessons about the current political landscape.”
Yes, the lesson is that CBS News is still using the guise of “news” to promote Democrats and punish Republicans. Lesley Stahl was a CBS News journalist who began 50 years ago. She is now helping to link the Watergate hearings with the Jan 6 hearings.
TONY DOKOUPIL. What happened that it became a national story, not just one of a newbie’s stories but one everyone is interested in?
LESLEY STAHL : Hearings. Finally, it was sent to the Senate. They held lengthy and spectacular hearings. The whole process was pointed to the White House first, and then the Oval Office as it progressed.
It is almost the same sensation now. As these hearings proceed, you will notice that the arrow keeps moving and is pointing.
The CBS show will not suggest otherwise. The Senate Watergate Committee was formed by the Republican minority choosing its members. This is in contrast to the Pelosi-handpicked Republicans who were on the January 6 panel.
Naturally, CBS fretted that most people aren’t interested in these hearings, and you get the usual moan that back in the old days, you couldn’t watch anything on TV but the Watergate hearings (and there was no Fox News, every network hated Republicans).
DOKOUPIL. I am curious, however, if 1980 was the first time that at least 80 percent Americans viewed some hearings. According to Sunday’s “Sunday Morning”, the hearings lasted between 30-40 hours. The hearings were lengthy and watched by many.
STAHL: However, there wasn’t much else. Three networks covered it live, and all of them were on the same network. It was all there if you turned on TV or radio.
It was a little more shocking that Stahl admitted Trump did things a “great majority” of Americans liked. This was the first time CBS has ever admitted it. Then she stated that Nixon was at least liberal.
STAHL: Do you want to know why the opposing side supports him? Because in both instances, the Presidents did things the majority of Americans liked. Nixon? He was not an up-the-line, conservative.
NATE BURLESON is co-host of the show: Right.
STAHL: He was an environmentalist. His civil rights records were excellent.
MICHELLE MILLER is co-host. He initiated affirmative action.
STAHL, AndHe initiated affirmative actions. That is another reason why many minorities and women have entered the workforce.
CBS and liberal media found the mountaintop of their profession, forcing Nixon to resign. To this day, they don’t quite understand why half the country doesn’t find them to be objective or “mainstream” in their journalistic pursuits.
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