Cattle Ranchers Audited by IRS Give Stark Warning to Americans – Opinion

David and Deborah Hajda are Texas cattle ranchers, and they gave a stark warning to Americans, especially the middle class, following the Democrats’ bill that would add $80 billion in IRS funding.

On Tuesday, they told Fox News host Dana Perino on “America’s Newsroom” that they experienced a tax audit 13 years ago. Deborah said:

“We got audited over basically a $7,800 engine rebuild on a very old tractor.”

Deborah said:

“They just basically said this was a red flag, and we’re going to audit you, and we’re coming to your house,”

Every American should think about this because anyone can be audited by the IRS. This isn’t just for billionaires as many Democrats believe. The Hajda’s are not billionaires, they are hard-working Americans, and they were audited. Although this happened 13 years ago, it can happen today, too, especially given the Democrats’ legislation that adds $80 billion in IRS funding.

Deborah went on:

“I took out our box of receipts… and we handed it to him, and I said ‘Here’s your receipts’ … we weren’t hiding anything.”

Perino wanted to know if the IRS agent just wanted them filling out a quota.

Deborah answered:

“Probably. They said they flagged it because our expenses were high that year, and it was because of this repair,”

The Hajda’s continued, saying they could not afford to get a new tractor, and they kept all the records of expenses for repairs needed. However, this was not enough to explain the auditor.

David stated:

“He wasn’t satisfied. “He kept on digging and ended up nailing us.” Our tax person was giving us 80% on our work vehicles, and he said you can only do 50%.”

Deborah said:

“I was very naive about the situation. “I had no concept of the power and the extent. [of the audit] going in three years of my life … and me having no control over that, no control over the information he was given.”

“It was very invasive. You feel very attacked because that guy wanted to go back and say, ‘I got her.’”

Deborah and David’s details are very concerning as it could easily happen to any family of middle class. Although the Biden administration attempts to discredit this fact, it is still true.

Deborah ended her presentation with a warning to middle-class Americans.

“They want to get you. If they’re coming after you for an audit, they don’t want to see your receipt … they want to nitpick your life apart, and that’s not what the American dream is for self-employment, small business…”

Following the interview, Texas Senator Ted Cruz tweeted: “The IRS should be abolished”

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