The New York Times continued to smear the Canadian truckers’ protest against vaccine mandates, a protest that has attracted other Canadians, sick of the country’s overzealous Covid regulations under smug liberal leader Justin Trudeau.
Three new trucker stories demonstrate that the tone the paper takes covering protests depends on whether that particular protest pleases the left or the right wing, including: “Ottawa Truck Convoy Drags On, Fueling Protests in New Zealand and Australia” by Dan Bilefsky, Ian Austen, and Natasha Frost.
The majority of protesters and organizers appear to be fringe. Some even wear Nazi symbols or desecrate public monuments.. Others who arrived in Ottawa say they are ordinary Canadians, driven by the need to escape from two-years of restrictions on pandemics.
This concern was especially important considering that the paper completely ignored the situation of burned-out shops and businesses which resulted from the George Floyd-instigated protests.
Many Ottawa business owners have had to shut down their doors due to the occupation, resulting in a loss of tens of thousands of dollars. Those who have stayed open have seen little business, as few people can or are willing to access the city’s downtown area.
An online report by Bilefsky and Austen sported the incredible headline, “Why hasn’t Justin Trudeau ordered the police or army to quash the protests?”
Hypocritical Left is impatient to hear free speech, even when wrong things are being stated. TimesAsks the same question. Where are the thugs? I mean the cops when they’re needed to quell right-wing protest?
Some Canadians wonder why. hasn’t he just ordered in the police or the army to quash the demonstrations? After all, he is the most powerful person in Canada, and has lashed out against the protesters for desecrating war memorials, flying “racist flags,” spreading disinformation and even stealing from the homeless.
Keep these things in mind TimesIn the summer 2020, James Bennet was fired as opinion editor for publishing an Op-Ed written by Republican Senator Tom Cotton. It called on the National Guard to be sent in cities to stop rioting. It ran an article criticizing law enforcement’s efforts to track down a couple that set fire at a Minneapolis school during the 2020 riots.
Now it wonders why Canada’s leader hasn’t called in the cops to break-up a vaccine-mandate protest. This is how it works TimesIt has been changed.
Austen reported Saturday, as police begin to clear the blockade: “Ontario Premier Tells Protesters To Leave or Face Jail and Fines.”
According to Austen, the reporter is pleased that Canadian provincial leaders took a stand against the protesters after they were granted a court order. Austen highlighted some of the most controversial icons in the protest. This is a practice the newspaper never adopts for liberal protests. They are instead depicted as ordinary people just trying to get by.
There were other overtones too: Confederate and Canadian flags were defaced by swastikas. This is a sign of involvement in far-right or racist causes.
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