Can Woke Get Any Woker? Now ‘Neuroqueerness’ Is a Thing – Opinion

Let’s be honest, shall we? Many if not most of us have morphed from shock, or worse, over each new pronouncement from the woke among us, to “meh, what’s new?” — and even laughter, often, because the shock factor is no longer shocking. Today’s case in point falls squarely into the latter category.

Many major universities will offer courses in the fall on LGBTQ sexuality and sex education. ActivismCampus Reform reports that they go well beyond the historic boundaries of LGBTQ persons and their movements. These courses are primarily focused on activist and leftist causes.

Radical adherents are not good. anything, unless he, she, or “they” don’t proactively and effectively push it down the throats of the vast majority of America, demanding acceptance and respect?

Perfect example: The American University in Washington, D.C., offers a course that “teaches” students about “the lived experience of madness” and what it means to be “neuroqueer.”

People who identify as neuroqueer “often reject binaristic ideas of gender and sexual orientation. They can be nonconformists who think radically about queer and disabled identities.”

Let’s stop right here and ponder for a minute.

Is the American University equating “madness” and “queerness,” and suggesting that BothAre they due to psychological or neurological disorders? If so, doesn’t that run contrary to everything they now preach, ad nauseam? Haven’t we been bombarded for years with Pride parades and such? It is natural that transgenderism, same-sex relationships, and transgenderism can be healthy. Yep, I’m confused, too.

According to AU’s course description for “Mental Health, Madness, and Neuroqueerness,” the class will “critically examine how ideas about mental health and wellness are situated in systems of colonialism, white supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy.”

This was it. It’s now queerness is the “fault” of one or “all of the above.”

Here’s a complete course description:

AMST-385 Mind Health, Mental Disorder, and Neuroqueerness 

Every day, we are surrounded by ideas about mental illness and differences, including self-care, therapy and mindfulness, autism, anxiety and depression, ODC and ADHD; ASMR and medication; and substance abuse. This course examines mental health discourses over time and gives insight into the lives of people who have experienced madness or neurodivergence.

The students examine mental health in relation to patriarchy and white supremacy. Students learn alternative methods of understanding mental disorders and envision a society where everyone is included.

The University of Wisconsin will offer similar courses, including “Queer Bodies” and “Queering EcoFeminism.” The course description of the latter claims the class will entail “a feminist study of LGBTQ sexualities considering race, nationality, and time.” Humboldt State University’s Department of Critical Race, Gender, and Sexuality Studies will offer a “Community Activism” course to teach students “organizational and activist skills,” which will include “hands-on projects.”

Campus Reform has three more:

The University of Washington is offering a course titled “Queer Desires,” which will “[explore] desire and the politics of sexuality.”

Portland State University is offering a class titled “Queer Feelings,” though the course description offers no details about the topic at the time of publication.

[S]tudents at James Madison University this year will have the opportunity to earn three credits through a “Feminist Blogging” course, in which they will learn to “work in a feminist collective,” writing and publicizing a blog, according to the course description, “as a means of consciousness raising.”

Moreover? Many aren’t shocked any more. Disgusted, perhaps? You bet — but hardly surprised.

Bottom line:

Public universities, primarily funded by state and local tax revenue, are now “teaching” courses like the above, for which millions of college students will voluntarily incur debt they are You are contractually bound to repay, until Joe Biden — and perhaps future Democrat presidents — waves a wealth-redistribution magic wand and “forgives” that debt.

Also known as Hardworking American taxpayers are forced to transfer any debt they do not owe. 

Quite a brilliant scam, isn’t it?

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