Calvin Klein Salutes Mothers, Including a Pregnant Man Who Isn’t a Woman – Opinion

Calvin Klein has released this month’s titillating commercial, in case you didn’t see it.

It was posted on Instagram and enjoyed its reproduction. The salute it chose was a collection of photographs. The most fascinating: those that include a pregnant woman.

The campaign was kicked off on Mother’s Day. The caption that was above the collection said:

Today, in support of women and mothers all over the world, we’re spotlighting the realities of new families.

Featured first was breastfeeding mom Kylie, “a South African painter and mother to (infant) Wild.”

Next, we move on to something progressive: transgenderism and toplessness.

Roberto (Bete) is due to give birth to his and Erika (Fernandes)’s son Noah any day now.

The Instagram post can be viewed here. You can also find one photo via Twitter. this link.

According to MSN, pregnant Roberto’s partner is a biological male who identifies as a woman.

How did the couple — “Brazilian reality stars” per Microsoft News — end up expecting? Their method of making it happen isn’t made clear.

But so far as Calvin Klein’s concerned, tomato, to-mah-toe:

We can reproduce biologically or from the heart…our place is to love and be loved.

Of course, Roberto isn’t the world’s first bun-oven’d boy:

The complexity of pregnancy has increased to an unprecedented level

To Be Inclusive of Non-Binary Parents, Hospitals Nix the Terms ‘Breast Milk’ and ‘Father’

Breastfeeding Academy Bails on ‘Breasts’

Hospitals Are Starting to Ask Men if They’re Pregnant

A University Course teaches midwifery students the basics of handling the birthing penis

It’s part of a broader change:

University Renames Its Women’s Clinic Because ‘Women’ Was Medically Inaccurate


Not everyone on Instagram agreed with Calvin Klein’s nod to modern maternity.

The brand responded with a statement.

This platform is a safe space for individuals to express themselves and we welcome it as such. At Calvin Klein, we tolerate everything except intolerance — any intolerant commentary will be removed, and any accounts issuing hateful statements may be blocked. Our community is our partner and we look forward to continuing the positive, inclusive dialogue.

Of course, if they define “intolerance” as disagreement, then they themselves are intolerant in disagreeing with the disagreement they define as intolerant. Or perhaps I’ve got that confused.

Either way, culturally, we’ve come quite a ways. If you doubt the distance traveled, consider this clip from Monty Python’s Brian is the Life:

Rotten Tomatoes scored 95% by critics, and 93% by audience.

Back to Calvin, a question comes to mind: Presumably, the company’s contention is that Roberto is a man; but aren’t they calling him a “mother”? There may also be misgendering.

Given the many ways sex and gender are being juggled, there’s a great deal of ironing out to be done. Surely in time, we’ll get it sufficiently sorted.

We’re surely gonna Have to.



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