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When America’s supply chain started breaking down — and, yes, Biden, I do know what a supply chain is — the first person citizens started looking for was Indiana Pete Buttigieg. America’s worried eyes turned to then-Secretary of Transportation/ temporary mother Buttigieg who’d been taking care of babies instead of America’s vast and vital transportation system. As bad actors look to bring down America’s power grid and computer systems to demolish our beacon-shining nation of shining light, China, Russia, Iran, and others would benefit from removing all imports to America. This would allow the entire country to fall at the same time.
America’s weren’t the only eyes looking for Buttigieg. “Throw-‘Em-Under-the-Bus” Biden, always spring-loaded to apply blame to other poor slobs, was looking toward Buttigieg, the American Left’s favorite Mom. But not for the usual reasons of destroying someone else’s career and self-esteem, no, not at all. Biden found himself in a dilemma. He was dying to throw the skinny, fey Rhodes Scholar under the crushing wheels of America’s grinding Leftist tractor. Question: Why does America seem to have only Marxist Democrats as Rhodes Scholars?
But Biden couldn’t resort to his usual hip-check under an approaching vehicle.
You see, in Biden’s World, there can never be any well-deserved or partially deserved criticism, for any reason of a homosexual, transgender, minority, illegal immigrant, disabled, or anyone with poor eyesight, hearing, or speech. The list of tribes that are safe is long. This is the hard and fast woke rule This applies especially to Democrats. Bernie Sanders stands out as an exception. He has permanent bust marks on his back. Irony follows: “Buttigieg–while we don’t like him very much and certainly don’t approve of his lifestyle–must be protected at all costs; he must never be publicly criticized, disparaged or condemned much less challenged,” reads the DNC memo that went out during Buttigieg’s feeble and intolerable pursuit of our presidency Irony precedes.
One problem compounding the swiftly eroding supply chain situation was Buttigieg’s surreptitious absence. I was taken aback. More than twenty other people who were deeply involved in politics also responded to my question. Buttigieg pulled a quick one. The American public didn’t know that it took so many months.
And we’re all furious ad pounding the drum of booting them out of office when they pull this Democrat disappearing act, such as Newsom’s bizarre antics recently..
When the crisis first bloomed, there was no remorse, no excuses — just the smarmy expectation that Mayor Pete was permitted to do pretty much whatever he wanted without any questions or push-back from a concerned citizenry. This is a deeply annoying arrogance that infects most politicians — most glaringly Democrat ones. And it’s patently untrue that once elected or appointed, politicians can then have their way with taxpayer money. For this, people need to be put in jail.
And then this ill-bred Marxist wastrel doesn’t drop all his domestic duties to rush to his nation’s aid; nope, he goes on to explain that he’s doing just fine working from home; that he’s got it all figured out. We all assume he’s going back home and cares not about empty shelves or terminal patients without their life-saving medicine.
As fellow Red Stater, Nick Arama robustly asserted, people in all strata of American life are “wondering if he’s (Buttigieg) is ok.” I can assure you that it was crystal-clear to me, since I first laid eyes on this weak specimen, that Buttigieg was not close to ok in any sense of the abbreviation.
As the first known, not “acting” homosexual cabinet secretary, you’d think some LGBT activist throng would go after those going after their man. The mobs were silent, however. Log Cabin Republicans is a known Conservative LGBT organisation. They not only provide zero cover, but they also act in super-hero fashion and lay into Buttigieg as Mike Tyson’s uppercut.
Motherhood, I think, is one of the most difficult jobs God has ever made. It’s being on call 24/7 like a nurse, policeman, or firefighter but without a lot of the hero worship and thankfulness attached. Mothers can perform amazing feats of humankind every day.
That said, our sometimes Secretary — perhaps more a Mom, had an obligation to inform his superiors and the American people that he was expecting this massive life change and may have to be spending a lot of time at home with diapers rather than preoccupying himself with minor details like our nation’s roadways, bridges, tunnels, trucking, rails, airports, and airplanes.
Then, there’s the distinct possibility that China and/or other bad actors are trying to eliminate the free access to goods, products, and medicines that we’ve all come to expect. He should have declined the job if his heart wasn’t in it — as it apparently wasn’t — or prepared his partner to take over their babies’ care exclusively, He should’ve been honest with himself, Biden, and the American people and turned the job down immediately. Instead, it appears he’s been stealing his salary while at home warming bottles.
Particularly because his only job-related experience for heading America’s Transportation Department was his faking riding a bike to work as a form of intentional media phoniness and to hoodwink the public.
Phony Pete created a misleading video clip about his shopping habits for running shoes. As though. It was plotted to feign the Biden-Harris administration’s interest in “the important role of small business.” Of course, the small business selected for this disingenuous field trip was responding on-script to our roving reporter/Mom’s questions about how helpful the Biden mob has been to small business. Poppycock, many of the “small businesses” this lawless horde helped were not small businesses at all or fleeced the taxpayers with a wink from the Biden crew.
Publicly, this time-card villain says that highways are racist. It is a statement that causes belly-ache laughs and red flags of stupidity across America. April Ryan, a bird-brained reporter that asked about racist infrastructure, deserves special recognition.
This glaring phoniness is what is staring hardworking Americans in the face. It is evident in all of them, but Biden and Newsom have perfected the art of being fake. They think they’re so smart.
As my Grandma used to say, “They’re too big for their britches.”