Brad Slager Interviews Sister Toldjah on the Sad State of the Modern Media

On Tuesday, I had the pleasure of sitting down with my RedState partner in crime Brad Slager – host of the “Lie-Able Sources” podcast – for an interview on WBT Radio here in Charlotte.

Brad, who was guest-hosting for a vacationing Pete Kaliner, brought up how CNN’s resident media hall monitor Brian Stelter has done a complete 180 on the Hunter Biden laptop story, and we discussed how that was mighty convenient of him to do since it was well after the 2020 presidential election and at a time when the story presumably can’t damage Joe Biden – for now, anyway.

We also talked about the ongoing media narrative about how all you have to do is either mildly defend Donald Trump or graciously congratulate your Trump-supporting opponent in a GOP primary you lost for the mainstream media to label you a Trump “co-conspirator” in the January 6, 2020 Capitol riot, which Rep. Peter Meijer – one of the Republicans who voted to impeach Trump – found out very recently.

All in all, fun was had by all, and as I said at the beginning of the segment, it was cooler than cool to be interviewed by RedState’s own “Florida Man,” who I can confirm has left an indelible impression on my hometown (and mostly in a good way).

To listen, make sure you click the link below (starts at 17:00).

We are so grateful!


— Brad Slager Interviews Managing Ed. Jennifer Van Laar, WBT Radio About California Policy

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