It amazes me how easily the media can tarnish their reputation for the Democrats.
The media is constantly in panic because they have to justify any and all unjustified actions, given all of the troubles under Joe Biden.
Today’s entry? Bloomberg wants to make #EmptyShelvesJoe a meme. It’s really not a bad thing, you see, that the shelves are empty and you can’t get those things you need (or that they cost so much more than they did before Joe Biden). We can then live more like Europeans, and scale down our expectations.
Bloomberg Opinion
But suddenly, Americans can’t spend like they used to. The shelves of stores are empty and sometimes it takes months to locate a sofa, fridge or car. If this continues, we may need to learn to do without — and, horrors, live more like the Europeans. It might be beneficial, since the U.S. could become more dependent on its consumption.
Now I’ll leave aside for the moment the questions about whether that’s an accurate assessment of the present situation in Europe, or the questions about the healthiness of a lot of consumption.
What’s completely ridiculous here are two bigger points they’re trying to slip by us.
What does Europe do? Why bother to give a hoot about it? The United States of America is the most powerful country on Earth. We don’t judge ourselves by, or seek to emulate, anyone else. Or in the more ribald terms of Eric Cartman of South Park, we “do what we like.” And that’s not wrong. That’s actually a good thing that we have the freedom to do that, no matter how much the left would like us to be more like socialist Europe.
There’s also an underlying reason that some in Europe don’t have that greater freedom to buy what they might want: crushing taxes in some countries which leave them with less disposable income to do so. However, Biden would have us do as they ask and raise our top taxes to match theirs.
But beyond all that, it’s rather intriguing that Bloomberg came up with this argument for “healthier consumption” at this time. What could it be? Could it have anything to do with trying to spin the disastrous Biden failures — inflation and the supply chain crisis, among others? Of course it does, it’s all about that.
It’s so transparent, it’s embarrassing for them that they would do this. This is the continuing effort by the media to blame Americans, not Biden or pandemic regulations for the part they’ve played in all this. It’s almost Orwellian. It’s good you’re being denied things, they argue. They are good. All you need is to get it right. If you’re bothered by all this, it’s just your ignorance. They’re trying to condition you to having less and being worse off under Biden.
Bloomberg’s social media posts were ripped apart for their take.
I was waiting for our overlords in the Dem party /media to lecture us on how shortages, long waits and less choice is really a “good thing!” They’re getting us used to Socialism – which always gives its citizens less — and demands that people feel guilty if they want more!
— Kelley Paul (@KelleyAshbyPaul) November 13, 2021
Literally Go Brandon Yourself
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) November 13, 2021
So, here’s the thing. If this is what media and Democrats are going to try to sell folks as we go into the 2022 elections, prepare to get the Democrats tossed out on their ears — because you’re not selling this argument to Americans.
The best thing is happiness! This is the 2020 slogan of Democrats.
— Chris Barron 🇺🇸 (@ChrisRBarron) November 13, 2021
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