Bill Maher Annihilates ‘Lame and Clueless’ AOC – Opinion

Lemme begin with something I’ve never written:

This article is going to make a great read. It’s not because I have any writing skills, but because the content. While I’m not yet sure exactly how it will come together, I am sureThe Democrat Party should pay attention to what it contains and what it will include, as it is in their best interests.

You will be able to hear it, fortunately.

Let’s start with some background. As I reported on Friday, HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher dropped by CNN to deliver an absolute master class on the Democrat Party to our pal, Fredo — AKA: Chris Cuomo.

I’m not going to rewrite the article here, but let’s just say that after Fredo kicked off the festivities by trying to get Maher to buy into the notion that “wokeness” is a good thing for America, the HBO host dropped truth bomb after truth bomb on the CNN host about everything from the idiocy of “woke” to the failings of today’s Democrats. Cuomo sat in the middle looking completely clueless for almost as long.

It was an amazing thing. It was a great hit. Now for ACT II.

Maher used his last show of the season on Friday to annihilate — it’s the best descriptor I think of to describe what happened — the Bronx Mensa-wannabe, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) — while all but daring her to appear on a future episode.

During Maher’s final monologue, he again attempted to direct the Democrat Party in a positive direction. It was a daunting task that he repeated several times this season. He cited recent advice from the old Ragin’ Cajun, Democrat strategist James Carville, who suggested after this month’s off-year election beatdown that leftists need a “stupid wokeness,” 12 Steps program.

AOC being AOC she replied to Carville in predictable AOC fashion.

Bill Maher served again Friday night.

“[AOC rejected Carville’s analysis, claiming ‘wokeness’ is a term] almost exclusively used by older people these days … so that should tell you all you need to know.”

Then it was game-on.

“What?! People like you have proudly displayed this term every march since. Just last year, The Guardian declared ‘woke’ the ‘word of our era.’ I guess they didn’t get the memo from the Mean Girls Club.

“What a great strategy, never missing an opportunity to remind voters how lame and clueless and hopelessly cool they are, especially since those are the ones who actually vote.

Ok, that’s fine. What word would you like us to use for the plainly insane excesses of the left that are not liberalism but something completely different?”

It was amazing (emphasis mine).

“Because you can’t have that word ‘liberal’ from us and think it should cover things like canceling Lincoln. Also teaching third-graders they’re oppressors. That’s all your new-think.”

After suggesting “woke” went from being a rallying cry on the left to a “pejorative” to be used against the right, Maher continued his broadside against AOC, scolding her like a dad tired of his spoiled kid’s crap.

“If the word only made you think of rational, deserved causes like teaching a less whitewashed version of American history, AOC still wants to have it.

But it’s a joke because it makes you think of Twitter users who get offended when they wake up and place orders on Twitter. Also Their oversensitivity is becoming tiresome.”

Maher asked AOC to join him on the next season’s show.

“But that It is unlikely that this will ever happen.Because Democrats don’t go anywhere these days where they’re not being adored. And that’s my last bit of advice to them. Go where the ‘amen corner’ isn’t. Do Fox News. Take courage. Be brave. You can go everywhere. Winning is about expanding the electorate.”

Finally, as I said in my previously mentioned Maher article, it’s pretty much a given that whenever I write about anyone from the “unapproved list of which I’m unaware and would ignore if it existed,” I catch crap from those who believe something to the effect of: “Maher is a (fill in the blank) who (fill in the blank) and will never (fill in the blank), so why give him attention?”

Because. Bill Maher’s thoughts are. zero impactThe guy is the one who will take me in my direction. It is possibleOccasionally, a cogent thought or group of beliefs may be presented, but this frequency is increasing.

Besides, as Maher admonished Democrats, it would behoove diehards on our side to think about that “amen corner,” as well — including listening to people who aren’t in ours.

Surrounding oneself solely with fellow members of one’s peanut gallery might feel good to some, but personally, I find it boring, sometimes.

Was ist das? Does “matter” —To the extent that I choose to write about a particular liberal and something he or she said — is anytime we can employ the left to expose the left, that’s a good thing.

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