The media painted Joe Biden as a nice, old gentleman that everybody could get along with. Watching him treat his voters, snapping at them and calling them names as well as cursing them could show how nasty he could be.
Since Biden has been in office, he’s often thrown off all pretense when it comes to how impatient he is. Perhaps one of his biggest faults is never being able to admit when he’s done something wrong. Biden, in the Afghanistan withdrawal crisis, blamed everybody, including the Americans. Biden was reported to have snarled at a journalist on Saturday about paying illegal aliens. But that wasn’t the only special moment that Biden had with reporters yesterday.
A reporter, noting a comment from Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) that he wasn’t elected to be FDR but rather to not be chaotic, asked: How did he view his “mandate” after the results of the elections on Tuesday? He didn’t even begin to answer the question. Biden instead insulted Americans and journalists for not understanding the supply-chain crisis. When he attempted to explain, it became a lengthy, unintelligible ramble. This definitely takes something to try to wrap one’s head around.
Biden mocks Americans’ intelligence: “If we were all going out & having lunch together & I said let’s ask whoever’s in the next table, no matter what restaurant we’re in, have them explain the supply chain to us. Do you think they’d understand what we’re talking about?”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 6, 2021
What — like, for example, if I had — if we were all going out and having lunch together and I said, “Let’s ask whoever the — whoever is at the next table, no matter how — what restaurant we’re in — have them explain the supply chain to us.” You think they’d understand what we’re talking about?
They’re smart people. But supply chain — “Well, why is everything backed up?” Well, it’s backed up because the people who supply the materials that end up being on our kitchen table or in our — in our fam- — our life — guess what? They’re closing those plants because they have COVID. They’re not —
And so, it’s a complicated world that people are facing. We’ve never faced anything like this before. I mean, I’m not saying it’s the worst of every time in American history, but we never faced anything this — this, sort of, defiant of understanding of what’s going on.
It’s easy to understand why people feel upset. And I — whether you have a PhD or you’re — or you’re working, you know, in a restaurant, it’s confusing. People are therefore understandably concerned. They’re worried.
And so, all I can say is: What I’m going to try to do is explain to the American people, as best I can —
By the way, all of you write for a living. I haven’t seen any one of you explain the supply chain very well. No, no, I’m not being critical. I’m being deadly earnest. When your editor says, “Explain the supply chain.” Okay? “Lots of luck in your senior year,” as my coach used to say.
Do you feel Joe Biden has clarified any of this confused rambling? About the only thing I could get out of that mess is that he thinks it’s because plants were closed because they had COVID [no, that’s not even close to being an explanation] and that he thinks his job is to “put people at ease.” That’s not your job, but you surely haven’t done anything at all to put people at ease.
What is the real problem? He doesn’t know how it works. So he’s trying to cover his own ignorance by declaring everyone else ignorant. He thinks it must be explained. So why is he so frustrated trying to explain?
Biden stated that he was focused on one thing: How to relieve Americans of the pressure so that they can get back to their normal lives. Pro tip, Joe? Forcing mandates and rising prices don’t “take pressure off Americans.”
Biden also appeared to claim that everyone internationally uses “Build Back Better” now because of him.
When I used the phrase initially, people looked at me like, “Build Back Better?” Well, what it means — we’re the only country in the world, gone through a crisis, to go through a crisis, and come out better than we were be- — before the crisis occurred. That’s building back better than it was before.
Joe! It was yours to use in your campaign. The term had been used before your campaign. It was used internationally by many people, including Bill Clinton in 2015. He used the phrase as his slogan for Haitian recovery after the 2010 earthquake. If you’re familiar with how the Clintons are viewed in Haiti, you know it didn’t go well and they didn’t “build back better.” It even goes as far back as the 2004 tsunami when Clinton coined the term as a way of expressing how the world had to respond. Joe plagiarized an expression that was widely used long before his campaign.
Biden is also acting as though he’s Attained building things back better when he’s basically just left the country a mess. Americans believed they had found a moderate. He has been embracing radicalism since he was elected to office. Tuesday’s elections were an affirmative rejection.
This is what we ended up with. He’s going to get in trouble with the people who tell him what to do.
Biden agrees to take “one more question” but says “I’m going to get in real trouble”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 6, 2021