We’ve seen a lot of very bad poll numbers when it comes to Joe Biden, and the numbers only seem to be getting worse.
In a Quinnipiac poll, his approval dropped to 33 percent. He’s down with all groups and across all categories. According to a recent survey, Americans strongly disagree with his approach on Ukraine and SCOTUS. There were 75 percent who thought that the economy was in poor condition and 76 percent who said that he wouldn’t consider a nominee from black women for the SCOTUS vacancy.
Rasmussen polls found that 50% of likely voters support the impeachment of Biden in a Rasmussen poll conducted a few days back. This was despite issues like Afghanistan and the border. That even included the incredible number — 34 percent — of Democrats. The worst part is America’s overall perception of its current state: 72% of Americans believe the United States is headed in the wrong directions under Joe Biden. These numbers are simply too alarming.
The latest poll from Rasmussen now shows Biden veering into “worst ever” territory.
According to Rasmussen, “Most voters think President Joe Biden is one of the worst ever to hold the office, and rank him below his two immediate predecessors in the White House.”
Rasmussen surveyed voters and asked them to answer three questions about Biden. The voters were also asked to rate each other’s performance, indicating whether or not they will be remembered.
Here’s what they found.
34% of respondents said it was the best.
33% felt it was the worst.
30% said about average.Trump:
41% best ever.
43% worst ever.
12% about average.Biden:
15% best.
54% worst.
25% average.
You can see Trump, being Trump, has highs at both ends, representing Democrats and Republican extremes, showing many think he’s the “best ever.” That’s a high number for best ever. Even Obama shows that party split, but Trump has better numbers for “best ever.”
But when it comes to Biden, it’s mostly stacked toward the “worst” side, with 54 percent — most American voters polled — thinking he’s the worst ever. Even more Democrats thought he was worse than the best — 28 to 27 percent. That’s a significant number, particularly after the first year, showing just how badly he’s done and how bad it’s been for all of us.
When you start looking at historic worsts like Jimmy Carter, and he starts looking good to you by comparison, you know that Biden is in deep trouble and that’s where we’re at now.
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