Biden Makes Inappropriate World War III ‘Joke’ While Telling a Bunch of Lies – Opinion

On Wednesday, Joe Biden spoke to the national conference of North America’s Building Trades Unions, the AFL-CIO group for workers in the construction industry.

It may be one of the few times that I’ve ever seen Joe Biden get rousing applause. But that’s because it’s a union event. Unions can be forced to cheer for Joe Biden even though they are the only remaining entity that is allowed to do so, despite many members having been locked out and still suffering from Bidenflation.

Since he was at a union event, he started with an appeal to them, threatening Amazon–and presumably, other American corporations–with forced unionization.

“Amazon, here we come,” Biden said, in yet another weird theatrical whisper. If the choice of being in a union was up to the workers alone, you wouldn’t need to force them into unions. You wouldn’t be for the PRO Act which is so harmful to independent contractors. Ironically, though, they’d eat their lunch by going after liberal corporations like Amazon. This is why Democrats are so passionate about it. The Democrats will receive more money if they pay the required union dues. Democrats are keen to force all that is necessary for their control of the government.

Biden also repeated two lies that he commonly repeats in his shtick: about how the gas prices went up during his childhood (they didn’t), and how his spending plans aren’t going to cost Americans who make less than $400,000 a penny more.

Already, his spending decisions are costing us hundreds each month. Talk about a “tax.” Americans don’t believe what he has to say when it comes to the economy anymore, if they ever did.

He claims he’s trying to help the middle class because he was “raised by a dad, not a joke” — he left out his mom.

His policies hurt the middle class that he claimed he wanted to support. Whenever he says “not a joke,” you know that there’s a problem with what he’s saying.

After that, he continued to talk about how difficult it is to bring people together. It’s a wonder his tongue didn’t go up in flames over that one.

From the moment he started his campaign, he lied about and demonized the other side — claiming Donald Trump called neo-Nazis “very fine people.” He’s kept repeating that lie. He’s demonized the unvaccinated; he’s compared Republicans to Bull Connor. At what point is he going to try “unifying” — because he certainly hasn’t done anything so far.

Biden’s comment about World War III was however the thing that most people were most interested in. Many people are not happy with the way Biden seems to think we should be involved in Ukraine. He’s also made comments that the White House has had to clean up and walk back, talking about American troops seemingly going to Ukraine as well as regime change when it comes to Vladimir Putin.

Joe would tell you that this was not meant as a joke. World War III isn’t something you can joke about. But, it also keeps leading us back to that question — despite what he claims, he seems to keep talking about our being involved more deeply in the war. Why? What’s on his confused mind that keeps having him say this stuff?

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